Stereotypes not embraced

Posters. Baseballs. Food.
Prom season is nothing but stereotypical. To-do list for girls includes an amazing dress, the best shoes, the perfect tan, glamorous jewelry, a gorgeous up-do, and the perfect date. The guys are expected to do the most important part which is ask the girl. Asking the girl of course has to tie in a cheesy promposal and prom night is supposed to be the best night ever. But what if it didn’t have to happen like that?
Sure, it may be stomach twisting at the thought of coming up with a creative way to ask a girl and the fear of rejection, but I don’t see the need to worry. The way guys are asking their dates to prom now are so unoriginal that I don’t even see the need to put the effort in anymore. I’m tired of seeing the same old sayings on a big poster and having “PROM” spelled out on a cake. I honestly think those are a slap in the face. What girl wants to be asked the same way her best friend was? She wants to feel special. She wants to know that her night will be one she will never forget, and a crappy promposal will not reassure her.
The fact that guys are ALWAYS supposed to invite the girls is the worst stereotype of all. I don’t think promposals have to come from guys. Of course, guys making the first move is how it’s always been and it makes it easy for the girls. But, what if he doesn’t get the hint? Girls can make the first move, too. A promposal from a girl should be flattering and a huge burden off of the guys’ shoulders.