Joeli Thomas, senior- “… I was a hardcore believer until I was in fifth grade and nobody ever thought to tell me that he wasn’t real. So one time I got to fifth grade, we were in class and we were learning about the legend behind Santa Claus and the teacher said Santa Claus is based on a real person and I’m like what do you mean based on? Santa Claus is real. Raised my hand to say this by the way and then the teacher had to break the news to me that Santa Claus wasn’t real. I ran to the bathroom crying, and then I went home and started yelling at my parents.”

Lizzy Bledsoe, senior- “ So my birthday is December 24th and I woke up to something falling down the stairs, it turned out to be my dad and he was putting stuff under the tree. Well, we normally put my birthday presents under the tree, so i found out that my dad was Santa Claus at the age of 7 and to this day, my parents, whenever I say what are you getting me for my birthday and Christmas, my parents say, ‘We don’t do it, Santa does!’”

Sara Kaminski, senior- “I was in the car, going to a doctor’s appointment or Christmas shopping, I can’t remember what and I was like why are we getting all of these presents. We gotta save some for Santa and I was going on and on about how awesome Santa is. Like he made it one night around a whole year, just praising Santa. He was like God to me and my mom is just driving.  She said  I’m going to tell you a secret, Santa isn’t real. The Christmas spirit is real so I guess Santa’s way is real…”

John Lemley, freshmen- “ So when I was younger I played on my DS all the time and there is this thing called flipnotes and one of the things was ‘If your parents are mad at you or something, you tell them that they lied,’ and I was scrolling through and then one of them said.  ‘Just tell your parents that they lied to your entire childhood about Santa. I straight up threw my DS across the room and cried for an hour and a half.”

Mrs. Humphrey, art teacher- “ My older sister told me that there wasn’t a Santa. I didn’t believe her and she showed me wrapped presents and I still haven’t forgiven her, but I love her.”

Ciara Sax, junior- “Around late November so we were talking about presents for Christmas and I heard my mom laughing and I snuck up the stairs and tried to listen to what they were talking about and I heard something along the lines of “should we tell her?” And then I turned the corner into my mom’s rooms and my sister stopped talking and just stared at me and I asked what was going on and they said nothing.  And then I asked if Santa was real and they just laughed more! My sister broke down into hysterical laughter whilst I was just sat on the floor crying. I was 11 and my sister STILL laughs at me for it.”