
Captains quote- “So far this season we’ve tried our best but haven’t played up to par. We are going to try and improve our skills by practicing hard and targeting our weaknesses. I think the season will be alright, we just need to focus.” – Nick Phillips, 11th Grade

Coaches quote- “Our team gets distracted very easily, and it hurts us when we get on the court. We’re trying some new things and have many amazing new players that add to the team’s overall skill, but a team is only as good as it’s weakest player.” – Miranda Sadtler

Captain’s quote- “So far we look pretty good, we’ve all been pretty sick so it’s been hard to tell because people have missed practices and games. The team is still a lot stronger than last year because there’s less drama. Over the course of the season we will get our bump set hit down and overall I think we will be successful.” – Brooke Moretz, 12th Grade

Coaches quote- “One person doesn’t make up a team. Two people, three people don’t make up a team. A team is all six people on the court, and everyone on the bench. We all need to contribute what we can in order to make our team successful, and we have the potential to have a really incredible season.” – Feight