Workout of the month: Thanksgiving edition

Thanksgiving is coming just around the corner. A lot of people can’t wait to dig into the plump turkey and juicy cranberry sauce. But the aftermath of being stuffed with stuffing isn’t as fun as the eating, eating, and more eating. This month, it’s time to get up and get active before and after sitting around the table to give thanks.


Put out candles and hang lights. Find a pumpkin pie scent to light during the holidays. Put up twinkling lights for the holiday feel. The aroma in the room will stimulate the smell and sight for a sensory satisfaction.


Don’t stress. 40% of people eat to de-stress according to The holidays are obviously a time that stress will be the highest. In order to stay at a healthy-ish weight during Thanksgiving, people need to find alternative stress relievers. A lot of people resort to yoga or even listening to music. Taking a nap can’t get rid of the stress but it can help anyone become calm.


Go on an evening stroll. After chowing down on a mound of mashed potatoes and a river of gravy, take 10 minutes (at least) to walk around the neighborhood. Many places by this time have Christmas decorations or nice holiday lights to look at.