Corona Virus effect on French Trip 

Emily Green, REPORTER

  The recent outbreak of the coronavirus otherwise known as Covid-19 has struck worry on civilians throughout the world. The spread has started to cause a decline in air travel for airlines such as Southwest Airlines. According to WBALTV “In recent days, the company has experienced a significant decline in customer demand, as well as an increase in trip cancellations, which is assumed to be attributable to concerns relating to reported cases of COVID-19.”   

  With an upcoming trip in the summer, Madame Arist and the students attending the trip to Europe are reacting with precaution but optimism. “My best advice right now is to just remain calm, see how things unfold and to hope by summer things are under control” Arist commented. 

      Following instructions on how to protect yourself from the virus such as washing your hands with soap or using a hand sanitizer that contains alcohol, sneeze and cough into tissues or the crook of your elbow, and steering clear of others who are ill, is how you can refrain from getting sick according to  

     The chance of the virus affecting the trip is possible so students attending are reacting with precaution and safety. Junior Chloe Mcartor commented that “The virus is serious so I will be taking advice from medical professionals seriously as well. I will make sure to wash my hands and avoid sharing drinks or food with others.”   Preventing a spread of Corona through these safety measures is the advice given to students attending this trip. “I hope that following these safety precautions will decrease the chances of covid-19 spreading so the trip won’t be jeopardized,” Mcartor added.   

     Since the recent breakout of the coronavirus Italy has reports of more than 9,000 infections and more than 630 deaths according to MSN news. “The whole country of Italy has been put on lockdown as the government desperately tries to gain control of the coronavirus spread,” MSN news reported. “it is definitely scary to think about, but I just try to stay positive and hope that scientists and doctors come up with a vaccine in time to allow the trip to continue on,” Mcartor mentioned.  

     Those involved know chances of the trip’s cancellation are there, but in time attendees hope to be able to continue their trip to Europe.  “If travel restrictions get put in place it’s completely out of my hands, I just hope that by July it’s all under control,” Arist commented.