Dual enrollment provides opportunity for college credit

HCC business class offered to high school students


  Offered at North Harford is a HCC business class that counts as six college credits along with a high school credit. This class has been offered since 2008, and will continue to be offered to those who choose to take it. 

     The course is offered to juniors in the business program who want to add an additional class during the regular school day, that counts as a college course.

     Mr. Brian McCormack states that, “dual enrollment is one of the priorities set by superintendent Dr. Bulson in the North Star initiative.” He added this course was designed as a way to try and positively impact students who want to get a head start in their education that may be offered later. 

   As HCC chose to pair with NHHS to offer this program, McCormack says, “HCC has specific instructors assigned to NHHS for the management/marketing and another for accounting 101-102.” 

  There are many benefits that come along with this class, according to the NH business teacher. “There is always a benefit to students in cases where they can get a preview of the pace and rigor of college,” says McCormack. By taking this class, students are getting a head start on a class that may have been taken in college.

    The teacher adds that another positive to taking this class is the HCC credit that is reviewed after taking and passing this class, is very easily transferable to any college. 

     McCormack warns that “There are students that learn they may not be up to the challenge of college classes.”

     When taking this course through the high school, students still have to pay as they would have taken the class at HCC. “There is no difference in the cost of the class whether taken at NHHS or at HCC. There is a cost in getting to and from HCC (car, fuel, and time),” discusses McCormack.