Newest Hawks welcomed to the The Nest; Open house provides first steps


On February 26, North Harford High School offered this year’s freshman class a chance to take a peek inside of their new home. For the first time, students entered the building to discover the location of essential parts of the building. 

     Emily Crabbe, freshman found that opening her locker “was the one thing [she] was determined to get down.” Her peer Maddie Caiazzo had the same idea as her. Caiazzo described her experience with the locker to be “very easy once [she] got the hang of it.” She adds that she felt at ease due to the lockers being “pretty similar to the middle school lockers.” 

     The class of 2024 was greeted in the atrium by students in the National Honors Society. Freshman were then checked in and given their homeroom, locker and class information. 

     This year was a bit different when handling the tours. The newcomers traveled the halls alone with the assistance of socially distanced tour guides. In past years, Freshman were allowed to be accompanied by their parents, but due to the pandemic this year it was a bit different. 

     Crabbe describes she was “a little upset that [her] mom couldn’t come with [her] but overall, just happy to be in the building.” Jason McAllister had the same attitude when touring the school. He mentions “I was just excited to see where I will be spending the next four years.” 

     Both Caiazzo and Crabbe explain how they are “more than excited” to be learning in the building. Caiazzo says “[Her] work ethic is better in school, it’s harder to focus at home.” Even upperclassmen such as Grace Herron, junior, agree with the freshman. 

     Herron and her partner tour guides assisted the newcomers by handing our essential papers. Caiazzo mentions that “the papers were very helpful.” She continues to add that she “wouldn’t know what to do without [them], especially the map.”

     Tour guide Caroline Ulmer was “ecstatic” to be back inside the building even though we werent learning yet. She explains that she was “excited to share [her] experiences with the new students.” 

     One message Ulmer would give new students would be to “stay on top of their work.” She adds that procrastinating “can harm one’s mental health and it’s a bad habit to form.” Ulmer has taken 13 AP classes and includes how procrastinating is her “biggest weakness.” 

     Another tour guide, Chloee Roberson, believes that having upperclassmen assist new students is a “key to success.” She states that when she was a freshman, she would “look up to the older kids as role models and take advantage of  their advice.” 

     Crabbe was “extremely pleased” with the short amount of time she had in the building. She believes she is ready to begin her “semi-normal” high school experience.