How to degrade women 101

alexisIf you have a twitter, chances are you’ve seen the Meninist account. The tweets are directly aimed at the exploitation of men and how unfairly they’re treated compared to women. They can be especially funny if you’re a misogynistic, dullard male.
With the recent uprising in feminist support, men and women are finally coming to understand what feminism really is: equality for men and women. But of course, ignorant people assume that since it has the root word ‘feminine’ in it, it is a movement for women only. So as a result, support from men can be few and far between.
To those who do not have a Twitter and are spared from these brain cell destroying tweets, you may be wondering what a meninist is. According to Urban Dictionary, “Meninism is a mockery of feminism and proves that we can’t request equality without white men making everything about themselves.” Even Urban dictionary, the most reliable site for raunchy sayings and definitions, knows that the meninist trend is indeed a joke.
But to give a slightly more reliable source, Google defines meninists as another term for men who support the feminist movement. The creator of the account could have at least found a name that supported his argument. Like his tweets, the name is invalid. But I’m not sure why they tried to invent the term meninist when the word misogynist already exists.
As Megan Beck from The State News said, “The #meninist trend is further proof women can’t have any movement without some men making a movement all about them.”
I’ve been told I need to lighten up and see that it is a parody account, that it’s sarcasm. There are some tweets I find funny, but some just cross the line. Sorry if I can’t laugh at the sexist comments; it doesn’t mean I’m a feminist with no sense of humor. It means the account’s sense of humor is sub-par and operates on tired social stereotypes we’ve all heard before. I am not obligated to be a brainless laugh track.
I’ve tried to be nice and accept that some people can be narrow minded and ignorant. How can I not laugh at jokes about women’s weight and things that contribute to low self esteem? But excuse me if I laugh at a guy being friendzoned?
Ooh the friend zone. That’s a sensitive topic for guys, especially meninists. How unfair for guys that girls do not want to date them because they are not seen as intelligent, attractive, or worthy of a relationship? Does it offend guys that they aren’t tall enough for a girl, yet it’s okay to ridicule and taunt women for their weight and appearance? Well has it ever occurred to you that girls can pick up on how desperate you are for female attention and that your “nice guy” act is just a facade?
And all girls have guy friends, yet you don’t see us getting all hung up over our guy friends not feeling a romantic connection. We don’t manipulate them into feeling bad about not liking us back, or say, “Well you’re fat/ugly anyways.” We do this magical thing called accepting it and moving on. And we can also do this thing where we control our “urges”. So chill.
Sorry guys: women just aren’t as desperate for a romantic or intimate connection, regardless of how many times they retweet the hashtag #relationshipgoals. Some women are independent and don’t feel the need for romantic companionship, while others are more comfortable being with someone. Either way, women are ridiculed for both independence and dependence. I haven’t seen this trend so much with the other part of the population.
Another topic the meninist group finds entertaining is rape. After all, rape is a compliment since the guy wanted to assault a woman to make her feel wanted. If a woman is paid this said compliment, it was because she was asking for it. Her clothes were too revealing. Her breasts were clearly exposed (which by the way, breasts are secondary sex characteristics, just like a man’s adam’s apple or facial hair, but that’s none of my business).
While I highly disagree with the tweets, I can respect the self proclaimed Meninists for sticking up for the rights and equality of all their males peers, right? I love the tweets concerning their oppressed peers who are suffering from harassment because of race, gender identity, or sexual orientation. Or at least I would if they existed.
Sure, you can call me a raging, hysterical, hormonal feminist for not agreeing with your tweets geared to making fun of me and my gender. I’ve had people tell me that being feminist will deter guys, that I’m single because, quote, “Your brain is connected to your mouth.” Apparently saying what’s on my mind is not needed, or worth the breath. Well I have opinions, and never in a million years will I, or a majority of women, feel attracted to a guy who dismisses our opinions as irrelevant. Every woman is a gem, and letting guys treat women like rhinestones is not acceptable.
This twitter account is nothing but a waste of breath honestly; it’s just like any other Twitter user who is desperate for attention and makes meaningless noise. However, the problem with it is that guys tend to agree with some of its “jokes” way too often. I’m not one to say what everyone should find funny; I’m not one for racist, sexist, immature jokes aimed towards degrading people. Rape jokes trivialize and normalize the violence and gravity of the act, so no wonder no one takes victims seriously. It’s a shame that followers of the account do find them funny, regardless of whether they’re supposed to be parodic or sarcastic.
I will say it once and once only: feminism is not man hating. Female empowerment is not equal to male degradation. Once everyone realizes that feminism isn’t just about opening doors or paying for dinner, but for the equality of everyone around the world, maybe it will have more support. But the first most important step is identifying that things like racism, sexism, and homophobia still exist. These pretentious, self absorbed “meninsts”, especially those who are not a minority, wouldn’t know what it’s like to be a victim of any of these prejudices since they live in a bubble where the most traumatic thing to happen to them is being friend zoned. Sorry for such a rough life.