Showing love without words

Annie Finholm, Reporter

     Gifts. Roses. Special dates. Happiness. Romance.  

     According to sophomore Jemez Lewis, love means to “care for someone very deeply, making them a priority, having a connection, and being committed to the relationship, whether this is romantically or [platonically].” Grace Underwood, sophomore, believes that this word also implies showing “kindness, friendship, honesty, loyalty, and trust.” 

     When it comes to age, Riley Stoneback, tenth grade, finds that it “affects the way people present their love” due to the idea that “when [people] are younger, [they’re] still trying to figure out what love means and how to express it.” Stoneback believes that as people grow older, they have “learned and found [their] own definition of love, so it may be easier to show someone else you love them.” 

     Lewis adds to this statement by claiming that younger people “present their love in gifts, like handmade cards” because they are “easy and accessible yet thoughtful.”  She says that “as [people] age, [they] learn the significance of showing love in other ways such as acts of service and words of affirmation.” 

     Stoneback enjoys the idea of showing her love to others by “making time for them” and trying to make plans with the person. She believes it is also important to tell them how much she appreciates them. Lewis extends this thought by adding she displays her love through “gift-giving and acts of service.” Lewis takes pleasure in giving “things that [she’s] put thought into and know that they will enjoy.” She knows that doing tasks for others could “relieve them of stress and pressure.” 

     Underwood believes that people can present love to someone by “supporting them, being there for them when they need you, [and being] their person to lean on.” Lewis finds this to be true and adds that “people can show love through gifts, quality time, physical touch, and words of affirmation.” She mentions that these are “all love languages that provide people with comfort.” 

     It’s easy to tell someone you love them, says Underwood. However, according to Underwood, “Words are meaningless[.] Actions [take] more effort and sincerity.” She added, “Showing someone you love them lets them know how much you care about them.” 

     Lewis elaborates on the notion that words have less meaning than actions. She claims that it is “assuring to know that people love you enough to do things for you that you love and appreciate rather than just saying I love you.” She acknowledges that “telling someone you love them is important,” but emphasizes that it is more crucial to demonstrate it. 

     Lewis states, “Showing them shows that you really care and would do anything for them. Saying I love you is important; it can fill a person with joy, comfort, and security.” She believes that “showing your love provides reassurance” because it sets an example of how much someone cares. She furthers this by stating, “There can be times where I love you is said but it might not feel like that so taking the step to show it in different ways is what brings that reassurance.” 

     Stoneback truly believes that “the relationship you have with someone affects the way you show them love.” She justifies this by saying “The way a kid may show their parents they love them would be much different than the way a kid may show their friend they love them.” She believes this is because “kids are so used to their parents being there for them and loving them that they don’t really appreciate it as much. So, when a friend comes along, it’s a new and exciting relationship, and that friend is there because they choose to be. “ 

     Lewis and Stoneback agree that people should show love more frequently. Lewis believes this is because “we often say [I love you] and assume that a person knows about our love for them, but we should show our love as well.” However, according to Stoneback “people are so afraid of rejection or that the other person won’t share their love, that they won’t show their love.”