Spreading the word; Does social media help sports teams evolve?


  Social media has always been an easy way for people to communicate and share information about what they are up to and where they are. Most platforms for social media involve celebrities, personal profiles, and businesses. But recently, one popular new platform is sports teams. Several famous sports teams have been very popular through all social media. Now high schools across the United States are using social media as a way for communication and promotion. 

     North Harford’s very own boys lacrosse and girls field hockey teams have Instagram pages. The handles are @nhhawkslax and @hawksfh. They both feature pictures of students and inspiration. There is also information for students on the pages as well.

      One member of the lacrosse team, junior Ryan Tracy says, “I like having the team Instagram, it’s cool to see what the coaches are saying/posting about.” The coaches often post information and inspiration. From taking a look at the pages there are many inspiring quotes and pictures for the team to feed off of. They also tend to post important information for the community and the teams. 

     One field hockey player, senior Zoe Mikles says “Over the summer there were updates about the fall season that they would post on Instagram and I saw those on my feed before the emails they sent.” Mikles and many other students are very active on social media and this has been a benefit to the Instagrams in getting information out. Mikles also says, “I think having an Instagram is fun… It’s cool to see the pictures they take” Both Tracy and Mikles like that they have easy access to pictures of themselves and their team. 

     ThemeBoy says, “Studies show that humans respond to visuals much more than to text…” Along with this information you can see the evidence on the app itself. There are billions of users according to Instagram and they are all scrolling and liking as each day goes by. 

      ThemeBoy also states, “Instagram can help teams gain a huge fan base beyond those that are already watching.” Using this information to analyse the school teams pages, it is evident that all of the followers are not just players. There seems to be other students from the school and their friends as well. 

      Along with the students it seems other adults have joined the social media fan base as well. There seems to be a wide range of followers on both of the instagrams and from ThemeBoys theory, it seems to be working.