Practicing religions; Witchcraft and Paganism in action

Kensington Boyanich, Reporter

When students were asked what they thought when they heard the word, “witchcraft,” they said, “it seems interesting,” “Salem,” “sacrifices and rituals,” “astrology.” 63% of people have researched the practice of Witchcraft or Paganism while the other 37% have not out of 50 people.  

     Witchcraft also referred to as Paganism and Wicca is defined as, “a predominantly Western movement whose followers practice witchcraft and nature worship and who see it as a religion based on pre-Christian traditions of northern and western Europe. It spread through England in the 1950s and subsequently attracted followers in Europe and the United States.” According to It is a new religious movement that focuses on people’s connection with Earth and the elements. 

     Wicca has no central authority figure and relies on one’s self on how to practice. Many witches use crystals, tarot cards, incense, essential oils, and many other objects to aid in their practice. Wiccans usually practice depending on the cycle of the moon or sun. They also can associate themselves with a god or goddess creating an alter to give offerings to them and create a bond.  

     Some North Harford students have taken an interest in this religion and started practicing or researching it more in depth. Sophomore Isaiah Hayes explains how, “I kept seeing things about it and my friend’s mom is a witch, so I just felt drawn towards it and to get started you think about how to practice it. You think about what drew you towards it and you start by protecting yourself and eventually others.” Hayes explains how he uses, “salt, crystals, candles, moon and sun water, and a spell book,” to help him practice.  

     Sophomore Lauren Kramer has also been interested in the religion saying, “I enjoy the culture around witches and the various methods they use. There’s a lot of stuff that’s just fascinating to study. I don’t think I’d try anything but TikTok and Instagram really got me into the culture.” Kramer explains how, “Sigils are probably the thing that got me most into it along with crystals and they belief that they keep different properties.” A sigil is defined by Wikipedia as, “a type of symbol used in ritual magic.” 

     Many Wiccans have taken their practice to the popular app TikTok to explain the religion and how they practice it, many also give beginner tips on how to get started if you are interestedCreator Tori whose user is @eclectickarma on TikTok  creates videos about her practice and gives insight for beginners. Some of her videos includes, where to get cheap materials, the basics of sigil making, and how to create different spell jars. She also owns an Etsy shop called EclecticKarmaDesign where she sells handmade earrings, spell jars, and many more items.