She said

Imagine getting up at the crack of dawn, rolling out of bed, and jumping in the car. You’re headed to an amusement park where you get to ride roller coasters all day long, twice if you really want to. Doesn’t that sound like so much fun?

I don’t know who came up with the idea of getting on a mechanical ride that flips and turns, but they sure were a genius. Everything about a roller coaster makes me excited. The flipping, twisting, turning, spinning at 95 mph speed and the 90 degree drops are really what pull me in. It’s so awesome when the ride starts at 0 and speeds up to 65 mph in a matter of seconds, or when the ride flips 3 times in a row, leaving you feeling breathless and as though you might plummet to a certain death. (I apologize to those of you reading this and feeling queasy). The best rides, though, are the ones that get so high in the air and suddenly drop off at a 90-95 degree angle. The Fahrenheit at Hershey Park, PA, does that and it is literally the coolest feeling ever. Sure it’s a little scary, who wouldn’t be scared to feel like they are going to fall straight to earth and become part of the sidewalk?! When it’s happening you want to cry and your stomach drops all the way to your ankles but as soon as you’re off the ride you’re pumped and ready to go again.

I feel sorry for those people who literally can’t get on a roller coaster because of their stomachs. The people who would puke thinking about the flip let alone doing it don’t know what they are missing! Roller coasters do not bother my stomach at all. I could eat ice cream and get on Fahrenheit and my stomach wouldn’t even gurgle. One time I rode Storm Runner at Hershey Park times in a row. I got right off and hopped right back on. I had to stop because it probably wasn’t too great for my head since it was spinning a little bit. My stomach didn’t even hurt I could have totally gone for round 5.

While someone is off to the side puking their delicious corn dog and candy apple up I am already back in line ready to ride again.