Q & A with Laura Eller: Drum Major
1. What is your position in the marching band and what are your duties?
I am a senior drum major, along with Katie Soltysiak. We will be conducting different pieces in the field show and alternate between playing and conducting during those pieces.
2. What have you and the marching band done to prepare for this year?
We had a two day band camp about two weeks before school started. The band did a fantastic job learning all of the field show in those two days, and having the band camp really helped many people prepare for marching and the school year with how band is going to be. Now, when we practice the field show during school, most students know where their places are. So all that we have to do is fix minor details and imperfections.
3. When is your first event/performance?
The band will first perform on 9/6/2013 (the first football game) and at every home game.
4. What are your goals for the marching band this season?
My goals for the marching band are to perform the field show as good as we possibly can and to improve the field show for the Showcase of Bands. The showcase is held at Edgewood High School. At the showcase, most schools from around the county will perform their field shows. And this year will be the first time our school has performed at the Showcase of Bands in a long time.
5. What do you think is the most challenging aspect of marching band? Why?
The most challenging aspect of marching band is learning the drill chart for the field shows. The drill chart shows the different positions that each member of band moves to in the field show. It was a challenge for many to learn this, since we have not done a field show like this year’s in a long time. Each person has to remember where they go for each set, how many counts it takes to get there, and what they have to do to get there, like march forward, backwards, left, right, or diagonally. Each move has to be precise and the ending point has to be dead on in order for the field show to look as perfect as possible. But, we have been working hard, so we will be great!
6. Does the band play at every home game and what do you do at each game?
Yes. The band will play at each home game. Before the game starts, the band will play the Fight Song and the Star Spangled Banner. During the game, we will play stand tunes, and during half time, we will perform our field show. Our songs for the field show will include “Also Sprach Zarathustra” (AKA. Space Odyssey Theme), “Pirates of the Caribbean”, and “Superman Theme”.
7. Does the marching band participate in any other events besides football games? If so, What?
We will perform in the Showcase of Bands to perform our field show used during the halftime show in the football games. And during the wintertime, we will most likely play stand tunes during basketball games.
8. What is your favorite part of marching? Why?
My favorite part this year has been conducting the band during the field show. I will be conducting “Pirates of the Caribbean” and Katie will be conducting Also “Sprach Zarathustra” and “Superman Theme”. The music this year sounds awesome and we have both enjoyed playing and conducting these pieces.
9. What are the benefits of being in the marching band?
Marching band is awesome to be a part of. Band should be fun and awesome to be in. Being able to perform field shows, play fun and popular music, and march should be something that everyone should experience or watch. Many do not realize how much practice, preparation, and dedication goes into preparing a field show. And being able to perform a show that is pretty impressive should make every band member proud to be a part of North Harford’s band.