Lights, camera, action; drama department preparing South Pacific as fall musical
September 27, 2017
On only the second day of school, auditions for the fall musical South Pacific began. Now, rehearsals are well under way. With the dates for the musical’s premiere being November 10 and 11, there is only so much time to reach perfection for the audience.
Seniors Hannah Hieronimus and Garrett Thomas have earned the lead roles of Ensign Nellie Forbush and Emile de Beque, respectively. “I’m so excited. I can’t even believe it. I worked so hard and it means so much to me,” Hieronimus stated about the part she had landed.“I watched South Pacific like ten times and then I sunk myself into the character of Nellie.” She continued on how she prepared for the audition.
Hieronimus revealed that playing Nellie is much different from other parts she’s had in the past. She commented that this role is the exact opposite of the nun, Sister Margaretta, she played in The Sound of Music in 2015. Along with Hieronimus, Thomas’ part is also very different from parts he’s played in the past, especially Conrad Birdie in Bye Bye Birdie, the 2016 fall musical.
Senior Jocee Sevilla, the actress for Bloody Mary, a loud, crazy, and obnoxious character, but Sevilla is confident that she can nail the part. “I’ve never had to talk in such a thick accent before so every day I’m learning new words…” Sevilla said. She added she just wants to make people laugh with her obnoxious and over the top character.
Freshman Chloe Henkel plays a part of the ensemble, specifically an island girl.”I’m really excited just to get out there on stage and just have a blast,” Henkel began. “The rehearsals are a lot of fun, and of course the actual performance.” Henkel claimed that when she came to see the show last year, it inspired her to get into chorus and drama. She hopes that the musical will inspire others the same way that it inspired her. “[I want to] show them an amazing musical that they take home with them and really inspires them to join drama.”
Mrs. Nancy Green, the director of South Pacific, is also very excited for the show. “We are already having the best times in rehearsals. We have a really enthusiastic cast so I look forward to continuing to be able to work with them…,” Green commented on the musical so far. She hopes to see the community come out and support the theater program, as well as seeing the audience’s reactions to what is an emotion-provoking show.
As most know, Win Berrell, a 2017 North Harford graduate, passed away in July 2017 in a car accident. In honor of his memory, the Berrell family, alumni, and generous people of the community have donated money to the drama program, which he was largely a part of. According to the Berrell family, that money will be used to fund the fall musical. “ Win… has been an important part of our theater program through his whole high school career,” Green said, “…his first musical when he was just eight years old was South Pacific…” This year’s production of South Pacific will be dedicated to Win and at the beginning of each show there will be a tribute to his memory.
Photo credit: Kate Meagher