Triple the titles: new Spiderman movie revealed
March 23, 2021
Back in the summer of 2019, the most recent movie in the Marvel Spiderman trilogy – Spider-man, Far From Home – was released. The movie racked up about 1.132 billion dollars in the box office and left the watchers on a cliffhanger at the end, revealing to the world Spiderman’s secret identity as Peter Parker. Needless to say, with that kind of ending, fans have been waiting for the next installment of the series eagerly.
And by the looks of it, that wait is coming to a close.
On February 23, three of the actors featured in the Spiderman movies (Tom Holland, who plays Peter Parker, Zendaya, who plays MJ – the love interest, and Jacob Batalon who plays Ned – the lovable best friend) all posted on their Instagram pages title drops for the upcoming movie. Only, all three titles released were different, according to whose page you looked at. From Tom Holland, Phone Home. Zendaya gave us Home Slice, and Jacob Batalon – Home Wrecker. Naturally, people were questioning which title was the real one.
The answer – none of them.
On February 24, Tom Holland posted another video – this time with the real title revealed at the end. The movie will be called No Way Home – an ominous title to pick up where Far From Home left off, especially considering how the last movie ended. The title was revealed in a short video with a bunch of other failed titles (notably Work From Home, which was crossed out and someone had written “Noooo” next to it).
Elena Schell, senior and self proclaimed avid Spiderman fan, is really looking forward to this latest installation in the series. “I think he [Spiderman] might have a lot to deal with about Tony Stark’s death.” Schell said. “Since a lot of the themes in the two previous Spiderman movies had a lot to do with Peter and Tony’s father and son relationship.”
While Far From Home did touch on the fact that Spiderman was trying to fill the hole left after Iron Man’s death, there’s still more to work through. And now with Mysterio’s death and betrayal at the end of the same movie, Spiderman seems to have a lot of mourning in his future.
“Also, there might be some time travel or something, since they can do that now.” Schell said. “Plus, if Spiderman gets stuck in an alternate timeline, that would be great to set up the Doctor Strange movie.”
On the title reveal, Schell said, “It made me mad, but it was really clever. I liked to see all the possible titles that they could have gone with, and that all three of the main actors were involved in the process.”