1989: Taylor’s Version by singer-songwriter Taylor Swift was officially released. The re-recorded version of Swift’s fifth studio album dropped at midnight Friday, Oct. 27, exactly nine years to the day after the original version of 1989 was released in 2014.
The album includes 21 songs with five newly released vault songs. The vault songs include “Sl*t!” , “Say Don’t Go,” “Now That We Don’t Talk,” “Suburban Legends,” and “Is It Over Now?” A new version of “Bad Blood” featuring Kendrick Lamar was included in the release.
Junior Hannah Arnold said, “Right when I first listened to 1989: Taylor’s Version, I loved it. It sounded so good and I really loved the vault tracks. Especially “Is It Over Now?” because it has a really cool intro. But definitely in comparison to the other vault tracks, I think that these ones were my favorites so far.”
Arnold continued, “I just love “Is it Over Now?” because I like the main beat behind it, and the lyrics in general were just pure nostalgia and excitement. Plus, hearing her more mature voice makes every song better than it was before.”
Senior Sara Ford says she “really liked it, because I really liked that album, so I was very excited to be able to listen to [Swift’s] version. I liked that the production of some of the songs looked a lot better than the original version, but I think some of it was a little too different.”
Ford continued, “I know ‘Style’ changed, and I really like that song, so it’s a little different. But, it’s whatever, because I’ll get used to that version. I really liked the vault tracks.”
Junior Natalie Thomas stated, “When I first listened to 1989: Taylor’s Version, my initial thoughts were that it was so good that I literally cried. I dressed in all blue for the release and stayed up all night till it came out.”
Junior Poppy Smith adds, “For the album release, I hung out with my sisters because we’re all really big fans, so we listened together. But I absolutely loved the album. I loved how older and mature she sounded, and even thought it was better than the original.”
Smith continued, “I felt a little sad while listening because most of her songs are sad, but they also represent new beginnings, so I really tried to embody that, too.”
Ford stated, “I did not do anything special for the release because we had school, and I decided to get my rest, but I did listen to it in the morning on my drive to school, which was a little nostalgic because I remember listening to it when it first came out in my mom’s car, but now I can drive my own car and listen to it.”
Smith stated, “I would say I was definitely most excited for the vault tracks, and to hear [Swift’s] and [singer] Jack Antonoff’s songwriting.”