Famous serial killers
Dennis Rader, also known as the BTK (Bind, Torture, Kill) Killer, who killed 10 people in a time span of 1974-1991. The main method to his killings was strangulation using either a rope, plastic bags, or his bare hands. With one of his murder victims, Rader had chosen a different method and instead stabbed. After being interrogated in 2005, Rader admitted that he was planning more murders and was already stalking two of his soon-to-be victims.
Bobby Joe Long. During an eight month period in 1984, Long abducted, sexually assaulted, and murdered 10 women in the Tampa Bay region of Florida. Long had a habit of blinding, raping, and murdering his victims before disposing of them in unusual positions. He had an average murder of one every two weeks. Long was convicted of first degree murder in 1984 by forensic teams analyzing carpet fibers, clothing, semen, and rope knots.
Ed Gein. Gein’s murder story had made many appearances in movies and television, one of them being Buffalo Bill in Silence of the Lambs. Gein’s murders had become evident to police after the disappearance of Bernice Worden. While searching for Worden’s body, police also found memorabilia of Gein’s previous murders; including, skulls on bedposts, wastebasket made of human skin, lampshade made out of human faces, and even leggings made of human skin. Gein was not charged with first degree murder on account of being clinically insane, he was instead admitted to Mendota State Hospital in Wisconsin.
Ted Bundy: Between 1974 and 1978, Ted Bundy had killed a recorded 30 young women and girls, the true total, however, remains unknown. In order to retrieve his victims, Bundy would dress as an authority figure, or fake an injury. After the capture, Bundy would murder or knock them unconscious, then sexually assault them. Bundy would sometimes keep mementos of his crimes, such as the heads of his victims. He was finally captured and placed on death row in 1975. Ted Bundy was executed in the electric chair at 7:16am on January 24, 1989.
Peter Kurten: Over the course of nine months in 1929, Peter Kurten, also known as the Vampire of Düsseldorf, killed a recorded 9 people. Kurten’s killed his first victim at the age of nine, by drowning two young boys. Of his victims in his murder spree, the first was a woman and child, who had been molested and murdered. The rest of the victims were killed by either stabbing, strangling, or hitting repeatedly. Once tried, Kurten confessed to 79 murders, but was only convicted of nine. Kurtens penalty was death, which was carried out on July 2, 1931.
Harold Shipman: During the span of 1975–1998, Harold Shipman, or “Dr.Death,” killed more than 250 of his own patients as a general practitioner. It wasn’t until 1998 when suspicion was raised due to the high amount of patient deaths in his wing, and the large number of cremation forms needed to be countersigned. On January 31, 2000, Shipman was found guilty of killing 15 patients by lethal injections of diamorphine, and was sentenced to serve 15 consecutive life sentences in the HM Prison Wakefield
Richard Trenton Chase: In just a month, Richard Trenton Chase killed six people in Sacramento, California in 1977. While being in a mental hospital, the nurses nicknamed him “Vampire” due to his habit of drinking birds blood. Once released, his mother took Chase off his medicine and got him his own apartment. It was here that he began drinking more animal blood, and planning murder. After each murder was committed Chase would then engage in cannibalism. Once caught, Chase avoided the death penalty on account of having schizophrenia but, instead was charged with six accounts of first degree murder. While in prison, Richard Trenton Chase after he had committed suicide by overdose.
Jeffrey Dahmer: Jeffrey Dahmer, or the “Milwaukee Cannibal,” comitted murder, rape, cannibalism and dismemberment of 17 men and boys between 1978 and 1991. The majority of his victims Dahmer met at local gay meeting places then lured them into the basement of his apartment. Dahmer would then give them alcohol laced with drugs, then strangle them to death. Dahmer was eventually arrested after one of his victims escaped the house and calling the police. Jeffrey Dahmer was found guilty, but sane, on Febuary 17, 1992 and sentenced to 957 years in prison. Dahmer was eventually murdered in another inmate after only being alone for 20 minutes.
Javed Iqbal: Javed Iqbal is a serial killer and rapist of 100 children in Pakistan. His main targets were runaways and orphans,after capturing them he would strangle, dismember, and dispose of them in acid. Iqbal was found out after he wrote a letter to a local newspaper confessing to these crimes. As the police investigated his apartment, they found blood on the walls, chains, photos of all the victims, and his diary which contained the description of the murders. Iqbal was sentenced to be killed by strangulation,then cut into 100 pieces, and dissolved in acid in what the judge said “the same way you killed the children.” Although Iqbal killed himself in 2001 instead.
Carl Eugene Watts: Carl Eugene Watts, also known as the “Sunday Morning Slasher,” killed reportedly 22 people (out of the suspected 100) between 1974 and 1982. Watts only killed females between the ages of 14 and 44 by stabbing, strangulation, drowning, or bludgeoning. He was not found of his crimes until eight years after the dozens of murders after 1982, since he rarely left DNA samples at the scene. Watts was finally found of his crimes after he was caught breaking into a home and attempting to kill the girls inside. He then confessed to all of his crimes. Watts was sentenced to life in prison,but died in his cell due to his prostate cancer in 2007.
Aileen Wuornos: Between 1989 and 1990 Aileen Wuornos killed seven men by shooting them. Wuornos had a troubled childhood, having to be raised by her grandfather, she participated in criminal activity early on. By driving under the influence, hitchhiking to Florida, assault, armed robbery, forging checks, and car theft all before she was 32. In her killing spree, her victims that she killed, she claimed they tried to rape her and she was just defending herself. Wuornos was later arrested and stood trial where she was sentenced to death by lethal injection which went through on October 9, 2002.
Leonarda Cianciulli: Leonarda Cianciulli, killed only three people between 1939 and 1940. Cianciulli reason for killing these three women was that she needed a human sacrifice to keep her son safe as he went to war. She was a fortune teller for those in the neighborhood, so the woman all came to her. The two victims came and were offered drugged wine, then killed with an axe. The bodies were then cut up and turned into teacakes. The third victim received the same treatment but was turned into soap instead. Cianciulli confessed to her crimes once suspicion rose, and she spent the next 30 years in prison and later died of cerebral apoplexy.