Marching for causes
April 1, 2020
Larissa Arist, French teacher
“First, I would say I’ve been to several rallies, not necessarily protests because we’re trying to create a change not being against something. The most interesting rally I’ve been to was when I went to the White House with my children because there was a gathering there during the time when Russia was invading Crimea which is a part of the Ukranian territory and my family background is Ukrainian. Many other Ukrainian Americans and I were very considered that Russia was coming in and taking land from away from a sovereign country.”
Caroline Ulmer, junior:
“In 2018 I went to the March for Our Lives in Baltimore which was essentially a call for stricter gun laws to lessen shooting especially in schools. It was a super great experience and makes you feel like your voice is being heard and making a difference. It was just a huge group of people together for the same cause and a really awesome experience.”
Allison Stewart, sophomore:
“I went to the March of Our Lives in Washington D.C. and it was basically just a way to promote the legislation to prevent gun violence. It was student-led and there were survivors from the Parkland shooting there to speak. One of the girls who is the main face of the protest had a very powerful speech with a moment of silence for every minute the shooter roamed free in their school before being taken by authorities. Everyone had signs and it was just very inspiring to see so many people wanting the same change as you”.