Student perspectives


According to USA Today, Kaitlin Bennett is a pro-gun person that strongly supports Trump. Bennett has graduated from Kent State University. In Ohio, crowds of teens threw toilet paper, and cups of water  to form a protest against her. She posts videos on Tik Tok Of her talking to other people about her opinions.

We asked NH students aboout what they had to say about Bennett and here’s what a few of them had today.


Kaitlyn Mullholland, sophomore

“I think Kaitlin Bennett is not a good person and that’s all I’ve heard from other people as well. I think she causes too much drama between people on Tik Tok. I strongly disagree with how she approaches and talks to people because I understand everyone has their own opinions, but she shouldn’t voice them as rudely as she does. She is very rude with how she talks to people and how she gets her opinion out there.”





Maddie Rutch, freshman

“I think Kaitlin Bennett is harsh with how she treats

people and acts like other people don’t have feelings. I agree and think it’s good that she brings topics into the open, but I think she should do it in a nicer way. I think if she was more polite to others so many people wouldn’t hate her so much.”








Brooke Nall, junior

“I don’t pay much attention to Kaitlin Bennett, but when she has come up on Tik Tok I find her very rude with how she treats others. I think that it’s weird how she goes out of her way to offend other people. Most of the time when she comes up on my page, she is mean to the people she talks to.”







Valorie Radel, freshman

“I think it’s good she has the confidence to voice her own opinions and put it up on Tik Tok for anyone to see, because most people are too scared to do anything like that. I disagree with how she talks to people because I feel like she acts like she’s better than them. I think she is very mean to other people and if she was nicer, she wouldn’t be so bad.”