Quirky truths about school; Throwbacks to riveting events


    In 2008, the high school was renovated and endured many changes. One of these things includes that the auditorium used to be where the cafeteria is. Also, the bus ramp and main office areas used to be switched. 

     According to teacher Brian McCormack, part of the floors are special, and are supposed to last longer than regular tile. It is called terrazzo flooring, which is made of chipped marble, quartz, and granite. It’s  sealed with an epoxy to add a  protective coating that is resistant to chemicals. 

      Some more throwbacks include that we used to have a gun shooting range in the basement of the school in the ‘50s to the mid ‘70s. The school had a good bowling and gymnastics team, but the exact dates of their existence are unsure. We haven’t won a team state championship since 1995. Also the preschool was held in a portable during reconstruction of the school.