Anticipation leading to happier lives; Students looking forward to simple things
March 23, 2021
TEM, (The Emotion Machine) thinks we all need something to look forward to in life. According to TEM, a healthy sense of “anticipation” can help energize our lives, and even help us get through tough times.
The National Center for Biotechnology Information says anticipating the future has great benefits to humans’ well-being and mental health. According to the Harvard Medical School, “when you’re fully engaged in activities, you will enjoy them more and become less preoccupied with concerns about the past and the future.”
Also, life coach Talane Miedaner advises people to, “have something to look forward to every day.” Miedaner thinks simple and easy activities are usually the most rewarding and bring the “greatest joys and happiness.”
Senior Abby Merson looks forward to hearing the birds chirp every morning. “I look forward to it the most each morning because it is such a relaxing sound to wake up to,” Merson shares. With all the “chaos” in the world right now, it’s something that brings her peace every time she wakes up.
“Spring is my favorite season and hearing the birds chirp makes me excited that spring is almost here, and we’ll finally be able to enjoy the warm weather and the blooming flowers,” Merson explains.
According to Gretchen Rubin from The Happiness Project, this is an example of one of the key stages in happiness. “By having something to look forward to, no matter what your circumstances, you bring happiness into your life well before the event takes place,” Rubin explains.
She believes that sometimes the happiness in anticipation is greater than the happiness experienced at the moment. “Of course, anticipation requires two things: something happy to anticipate, and the mindfulness to do the anticipating,” Rubin describes.
Maddie Blubaugh, a junior, says she is more productive and in a better mood when she’s looking forward to something. She’s excited about the summer. “I love when the weather is warm, it gives me a chance to go outside and do something active like go for a run or play lacrosse,” Blubaugh explains.
According to Business Insider, people think about future experiences in more “abstract” ways that can cause them to appear more significant. “It’s also possible that waiting for an experience induces less competition than waiting for material goods,” Business Insider says. By anticipating activities and experiences, people may receive greater social benefits, causing them to feel more connected and happier.
Other students, like sophomores Anna Koerber and Ian Calhoun, look forward to talking to their friends. Calhoun also enjoys practicing with his healing crystals and painting.