Harford County Public Schools opening vaccine clinics for students 16+

Ben Sersen, REPORTER

     Harford County Public Schools announced that starting May 10, all 12 Harford County’s schools will be open for one day to allow students the opportunity to receive their first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine.

     Starting Monday May 10, students of Aberdeen High, Bel Air High, and Alternative Education will get their chance at the vaccine.

     Students of Harford County will be given one day in accordance with the students’ school, “ The clinics are optional and will be available for students 16 and older. A parent/guardian consent form must be completed and returned to the school nurse by Friday, May 7, 2021” according to HCPS.org. 

     On Tuesday, May 11, students of C. Milton Wright High and Edgewood High will get their opportunity to take their first doses of the Pfizer vaccine. On May 12, students of Fallston High and Harford Technical High have the ability to get their first doses. And May 13, the last doses of the week will be given out to students of Havre de Grace High and Joppatowne High as students look to get their vaccine in before the weekend.

     Fast forward to Monday, May 17, students here at North Harford High will get their opportunity to vaccinate for the first time as well as students at Patterson Mill High.

     Tuesday, May 18, students at John Archer School will be the last to get their first vaccinations as Harford County Public School looks to keep their students safe and at ease.

     As for the second dose, schools will be opening their doors to students three weeks later, starting June 1 with Aberdeen, Alternative Edu, and Bel Air High.

     As for students here at North Harford as well as Patterson Mill, the second dose will be available in schools on Tuesday, June 8

    According to the Baltimore Sun, “High school students who are still learning virtually from home can participate in the clinics, too. Their parents or guardians must fill out a consent form, and it should be turned in at their child’s school before the clinics begin. Students alone can go into the school when they arrive for their vaccines — anybody with them must stay outside in their vehicles.”

     During an April 26 Board of Education meeting, school system officials urged members of the community, including youths and adults, to take measures to protect themselves from COVID-19, especially as high school graduations scheduled for the end of this month approach via the Baltimore Sun.

   As for the haste of the in-school vaccine clinics, Michael O’Brien, executive director for secondary school instruction and performance, said at the meeting “We want seniors to not have to quarantine, which would certainly impact in-person graduation.”