Modern technology making impact; What you did not know about Bluetooth

April 21, 2022
- A Bluetooth device uses radio waves instead of wires or cables to connect to a phone or computer. A Bluetooth product, like a headset or watch, contains a tiny computer chip with a Bluetooth radio and software that makes it easy to connect.
- In the beginning Bluetooths range was not very large but with technological innovations, today its range is much bigger than it used to be. Where the furthest limit of its range used to be 10 feet to the newer Bluetooth devices that can communicate up to 100 feet.
- In 2008, only 5 percent of mobile devices were Bluetooth-enabled. Compare that to today’s capability, when roughly 95 percent of mobile devices support it.
- Bluetooth is named after a Danish king. Harold “Blåtand” Gormsson, who was the king of Denmark in the tenth century, it is known that he loved blueberries so much that his teeth were perpetually blue. Bluetooth is simply a changed version of his nickname.