Plenty of BBQ to go around streets of downtown Bel Air

During August 9th and and 10th an estimated 25,000 to 30,000 people came to support the cooks participating in the BBQ Bash. Located in the parking lot of the courthouse in downtown Bel Air about 60 different vendors filled the maximum space allowed.

   Not everyone there was out to satisfy the meat craving. A soda company called “Wild Bills Old Fashioned Soda Company” fulfilled everyone’ thirst with homemade soda like root beer or birch beer. With free refills it was hard to turn down the $12 it cost to get a mug you could keep.

   “The soda tasted so fresh,” said Roy Miller.

   You could also go shopping for handmade jewelry, hair accessories, or items that could decorate your house with. Items like Vera Bradley were being sold along with various Ravens and Orioles apparel.

   “The prices are very reasonable for everything,” said Maria Thompson.

   To help keep the night going to 10pm local country music station WXCY 103.7 FM was there in support. With bands like Joel Crouse and Hundred Yard Smash, everyones taste in music was met.

   Kids were very much welcome at the BBQ bash. They could make crafts or visit in the Little Piggies Fun Zone. With vendors like Klondike Ice and many ice cream trucks available kids could fill their stomachs to their hearts content.

   “I think that it is great that the bash is made kid friendly,” said Maggie Dujmovic.

   Along with being kid friendly the bash was made dog friendly. Dogs of all sizes were out and about for the night, getting special treatment from dog lovers. Specially trained dogs were also out with donations bags strapped to their sides making their cause known. While being petted the dogs also got to have a taste of the awarding winning beef.

   “So little places are dog friendly now a days so it is really nice to see them out,” said John Aquaviva.

   Even though there was many different vendors to choose from, food quickly began to disappear. One vendor ran out of buns and was only able to serve their beef in paper containers. One of the top three vendors almost ran short on ribs.

   “You better hurry up and get where you want to go, everything’s going to be gone, said Amy Stokes.

   Jay Reeder of Clear Spring was named the Grand champion of the Bel Air BBQ bash on Saturday July 10th 2013. As the winner he was awarded $2800 and of course the bragging rights. Second place went to none other than Mrs.Densmore’s husband out of 41 competing teams.