Cafeteria welcomes new cook
Sheena Morrison has had many jobs- a painter, a cashier at convenience stores, a mom, and now NH’s new cook.
Sheena Morrison has had many jobs- a painter, a cashier at convenience stores, a mom, and now NH’s new cook.
“It’s always been either convenience stores, kitchens, or construction,” said Morrison.
Morrison was recently hired when Edna Smith retired after 30 years of cooking in the cafeteria. Morrison worked at NH as a 6-hour general worker for 13 years, and as a 3-hour worker.
“I’ve always wanted it [the job],” said Morrison. “I love to cook.”
Morrison has been attempting to spice things up in the cafeteria by having taste testings once a month with different things. Morrison doesn’t know if they’ll be able to add to the menu, but they’d like for the students to be able to taste different foods than the standard pizza or chicken nuggets. The once-a-month plan is a part of the “Foods Across America” program, where they bring in different foods from across the country for the NH students to try.
“We want to bring more people in to eat. Not just students- staff, even the maintenance department, anybody who wants to come in and eat. We want to serve a nutritional, good meal,” said Morrison.
Morrison’s co-workers described her as a “big teddy bear”. Outside of work, Morrison enjoys riding motorcycles with her husband.
“When most people see me in my motorcycle gear and on a motorcycle they’re shocked,” said Morrison.
While Morrison is no stranger to NH’s cafeteria, she notes that feedback is always
“We just want to welcome everyone to come and eat,” said Morrison.