Sophomore takes on lead role in musical
This year, North Harford’s Fall musical will be The Sound of Music, and this show will feature some young and upcoming talent.
Even though he is only a sophomore, Garrett Thomas has been chosen to play Rolf Gruber, Liesl Von Trapp’s love interest and betrayer of the Trapp family, in The Sound of Music.
Thomas explains that he had a lot of people come up to him to persuade him to do the musical, including some of last years seniors who claimed that Thomas just simply “had to do it.”
Thomas is already participating the choir program here at North Harford, but this year’s show will be the first time Thomas will get to showcase his acting abilities to a full theater audience.
The Sound of Music will be premiering with three showtimes over the course of two days on November 20 and the 21 and already people are planning on buying tickets and having a full house on opening night.
“It’s gonna be hard to put on a new show with no experience,” claimed Thomas “ but with the teaching of Mrs. [Nancy] Green I’ll be able to do it.” The director of this year’s musical and head of the drama department, Mrs. Nancy Green, already has a lot of faith stowed away in Thomas for his role of Rolf claiming that “Garrett is a wonderful singer and had a great audition, he was the best fit for Rolf!”
In order to prepare for his portrayal of the infamous Rolf Gruber, Thomas claims that just by “working hard, getting the songs right and making sure everything runs smooth,” the musical should be enjoyable and memorable for the incoming audience on November 20 and 21st.