North Harford student takes on Inauguration with team

Photo credit: David Anderson

Junior Lexi Gue and her baton team were recently selected to perform at the Presidential Inauguration. Gue states that she is “most excited for a new opportunity at getting to experience something new besides competing against others and performing in front of a bigger crowd. I am also excited because not many people know about baton twirling and this is a good opportunity to get it out more which is really cool”.

The TwirlTasTix Baton Twirling Team from Bel Air, Maryland, will perform at the Presidential Inaugural “Voices of the People” Welcome Concert on Thursday, January 19, 2017, by the Lincoln Memorial.

The group was selected as one of 12 groups out of hundreds of groups that applied for the Inauguration events, which kicks off the Inauguration festivities. “This is such a great honor not only for our organization but also for the sport of baton twirling,” states director Christine Zoll.

The TwirlTasTix perform at many parades, events for charity and sporting events. They performed at the Chesapeake Cancer Alliance Festival of Trees, University of Delaware football games, the Macy’s Parade in Pittsburgh, the Baltimore St. Patrick’s and Thanksgiving Parade, college basketball games, Ironbirds games and many more local parades.