Students stand against shootings
March 28, 2018
School shootings have become an everyday occurrence in the news. Innocent lives are being taken by someone who walks into a store, buys an assault rifle, and murders dozens at a time. Students around North Harford are weighing in their opinions on school shootings, the factors that lead up to it, if there is a way to resolve it, and more.
Senior Andy Griffin states, “School shootings aren’t really considered a problem, they’re more of a disaster event.”
He goes on to tell that, “There is no way to prevent it unless you really look into the cause of it. Rather than looking into what we can do in the government to change it. We should look at how we can help the children, and give them the help they need so they don’t feel like their only option is to shoot up a school.”
Freshman Jake Gay agrees with Griffin on the cause, “School shootings are preventable a lot is psychological, regarding the shooters, they get picked on and bullied so there is a lot we can do to help that. The students walking out and protesting will raise awareness to this problem but I don’t think it will help much.”
Similarly, freshman, Samantha, believes, “School shootings are very wrong, obviously, and they are a mental health issue.While there should be more security that guns don’t get into a school, students should stand up and talk to those who look lonely.”
However, junior, Abi Vaughn, has another idea on the crisis taking over the country, “School shootings aren’t taken seriously until a lot of people die. There have been more than one school shooting this year but Parkland is really the only one we talk about. I do think it is the school responsibility but I think it’s the governments more. We shouldn’t take away guns but there needs to be protocols in place.”
While many think it is a bullying issue, freshman Austin Bock has a different opinion, “Family life has a big impact on school shootings and why they occur. How their parents raise them is a big part of the issue. Also, a student who is under the age of 21 should not be able to walk up and buy a weapon.”
While there are many different opinions of school shooting, their cause, and how to stop them. One thing that is agreed on is that, school shooting need to stop so students can feel safe in their learning environments.