Exchange students

September 25, 2018
If you thought starting the school year was rough this year Imaging showing up and everyone speaking a different language. North Harford has two wonderful exchange students this year. Matild is from France and Munkhgin is from Mongolia.
Both girls are staying with host families this year. “My host family has one older woman and two boys,” said Matild. Munkhgin said that her and her host family enjoy going to the market and birthday parties.
Both girls are here for one year. “This school is very large and I get lost easily,” said Munkhgin. Even though the transition was difficult they both seem to be enjoying themselves, getting involved in school activities, and making friends.
“This opens up so many opportunities,” the French student added. Matild is part of the cross country team, she enjoys running but has never had the chance to on a real team. “Everyone is so nice and talkative here,” said Matild.
Both girls said the hardest part was the language. “There are many things that people say that we don’t understand,” both students added.
The girls both took this exchange opportunity to experience American culture and explore the world. “ I have never experienced anything like this,” said Matild. The girls both miss their families but they talk often.