Hawks Nest provides help to those in need

Tori Gay, Reporter

North Harford is known for a number of things: its green house and barn, our sports teams and dramatic productions.  However, it is also known for the many things that go on behind the scenes to help those in need.

  Prior to the winter break, the DUCKS program adopted two families, giving them clothes, food, and gifts to make the holiday season a little warmer. Senior Madeline Ortt  says, “We collected over 50 items to help out the family over the holidays.” The DUCKS collected canned foods, soaps and toiletries for the family as well. Ortt added the group hopes to help a nursing home later in year as well.

 Custodian Mrs. Wilma Evans recently worked to collect gift cards to help a family in the community who lost their home in a devastating fire. “I really think that what Wilma is doing is great,” said building custodian Jan Bartenslager.  “She is always trying to help people and I hope this turns out really great.”

 After a successful winter collection of recycling lights and donating blankets and towels to local animal shelters, the agriculture program is also back to its community efforts again this month.  Currently, they are making dog toys out of old t-shirts, by cutting and tying the shirts to make toys for dogs in need. “It’s recycling and it’s not as easy to tear,” says sophomore Caitlyn Wolfe.

  The advanced journalism students will continue their efforts at giving back to the community this spring.  According to advisor, Mrs. Jennifer Chandler, the wear and share gently or new clothing drive will once again take place during Earth Day and collections of toiletries will also take place during the week of giving. “The wear and share event was such a huge success last year, we are eager to see how we can expand it this year to help as many students and community members as we can,” said the journalism teacher.

Drama teacher Mrs. Nancy Green and her drama three students performed two plays this past month. However, to get into these plays Green collected canned food donations or a monetary donation.  Green is also in charge of our memorial book drive for Erin Drumm. “Erin will always hold a special place in my heart, I feel this is a way to remember her through something she loved. Books,” says Green. Each year North Harford collects more and more books new and old that are donated to children’s hospitals and organizations.

    The spirit of giving is evident at NHES as well.  Mrs.Tracey Gay and her fourth grade classes organized a pajama drive to help kids in need. The whole entire school participated in this event. Some of the money raised helped to purchase mattresses for a homeless shelter as well.