Black Lives Matter gain momentum in Harford County; Fetter takes stance


    In light of the recent Black Lives Matter protests across the nation, young people gathered this summer in nearby Bel Air to show their support and solidarity. Sophomore Andrea Fetter was among those gathered at the protest and was instrumental in its organization.

     Fetters’ protest was designed to take a stand against police brutality. “Nationwide protests were sparked after the slaughter of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor,” she explains. As an attempt to follow their example, the Black Lives Matter movement in Bel Air began to organize protests.

     Fetter explains that her involvement began when someone reached out to her asking if she wanted to help organize a protest, as well as spread the message that black lives matter. The group worked together, with Fetter working on obtaining speakers, materials, microphones, amps, and spreading the word around.

     The large group that gathered in front of the Bel Air Police Department on Main Street. Fetter shared that cars drove by the protesters honking, while others even came by and told the group how proud they were of their actions.

     According to Fetter, some people didn’t approve of the protests. She says there were supposedly adults screaming at the protesters, while others were driving by and saying nasty things. “People were actually saying a lot of negative things like noting that George deserved to die,” she says. 

     The main goal of the protest was to “spread awareness of police brutality and how systematic racism is still very real.” There were also many speakers in attendance that mainly talked about their personal experiences. Fetter says the speakers also discussed how “things needed to change within the justice system.” 

     She stated that people in the crowd came forward to share their thoughts about judges who had unjustly sentenced people and ruined their lives. It was proclaimed that people of color are dying at higher rates because of factors that range from healthcare to being lynched. 

     Protesters also “wanted people who may be in conservative or households ruled by white supremacy to know that their differing beliefs are valid and recognized and that they’re important too,” Fetter says. In addition, Fetter explains that protesters wanted to make sure no one felt that they were standing alone.  

     “I always strive to help others and speak up for those who may feel silenced or alone. We all can make a difference, even if it feels like we’re the only ones out there,” Fetter says. She feels that having those small things like a pin or a hat with Black Lives Matter on it makes recognizing allies easier.

     “I do believe we can have equality, and I want to continue working with others to get to that point, even if it means it’s the last thing I get to do.” Throughout college, Fetter plans to continuously protest and be politically active.