Adapting to online learning; Rotating schedules

Shorter class periods and flex Fridays are implemented. New schedules look very different from before. PHOTO CREDOT; photosteve101

Kensington Boyanich, Reporter

The new online learning situation has come with a new schedule for students. Some days have been taken away and class periods are now 20 minutes shorter. Attendance is also now put into student hands making them sign in every morning online even if they don’t have any classes on that day. 

     “Having to remember to check in on the days I wasn’t even doing school was oddly the most stressful part,” says senior Kylie Bombhardt“I find it very annoying and pointless because I wouldn’t be going to school anyways, so I see no purpose in checking in.” 

      Another new part of the schedule was the away with rotating between A1, A2, B1, and B2 days. There is now only A and B days with rotation on Friday for either day. Matthew Johnstone, guidance counselor at North Harford High School explains how, “we moved to A days on Monday and Wednesday and B Days on Tuesday and Thursday to match the HCC schedule to make it easier for students to take college classes.” 

     “I honestly just like having the same order every time since I only do it twice a week and it’s not like there’s lunches so that’s the only reason I liked it rotating so I could get different lunches but now it’s at home I like the same routine so  don’t get messed up.” Bombhardt comments about rotating schedules.  

     Class time has also been cut short by 20 minutes leaving teachers with only an hour and ten minutes to instruct. Science teacher Patricia Massetti explains how, “It is extremely difficult to get through a day’s lesson with shorter class periods.  Getting through our curriculum is difficult under normal circumstances but with shorter classes, coupled with trouble-shooting student’s technology issues, it is a real challenge,” Massetti also comments on the rotating Friday’s, “.  Certainly, losing all Fridays to direct instruction only compounds the problem.  However, given our virtual learning world, I do think giving students a day to catch up, finalize assignments, and for teachers to provide remediation and enrichment are all essential.” 

     This allows kids to have an hour lunch and have their last class end at 1:55 p.m. Students also have 10 minutes in between classes to get onto their teachers page and make sure they are able to log on, leaving time for delays and slow internet.  

    Many students have taken a liking to the new schedule with 64 percent saying how they enjoy the new schedules. Students have started exercising and having small study groups when they can in the new free time. Flex Fridays also allow students to have extra time by not having to be in class. Students can regulate their work and when they want to do it. Students can now work or help with families or siblings in their new time.