Haunted attraction fundraiser allows Future Farmers of America organization to expand
This year, Legends of the Fog will be hosting a drive-through experience. This event was previously a series of haunted attractions that one would walk through. PHOTO CREDIT: Legends of the Fog
October 20, 2020
Haunted houses. Carved pumpkins. Ghost stories. Trick-or-treating.
As October begins, according to CNN news, 172 million Americans start to think about Halloween and the events that coincide with it. This year, like previous years, the FFA will be hosting a fundraiser event at Legends of the Fog.
This attraction includes a possessed hayride, a haunted house, a cursed corn maze, and a ghostly circus. Due to COVID-19, the experience will mainly take place in a personal vehicle. Audio connection and a smartphone/device are required this year to ensure both public health and a positive encounter that simulates the in-person version.
The FFA, according to senior Megan Thomas is “a national student organization that focuses on leadership, public speaking, and agricultural knowledge.” Thomas continues this thought by adding the money from the Legends of the Fog fundraiser will go towards the FFA’s chapter, which allows them to “hold social events, fund community service activities, and more.”
The total cost for participation in the event may vary depending on the date on which you attend. Since Legends of the Fog is hosting a drive-through experience, the vehicle as well as the persons per automobile will be charged. Thomas explains that it is “$25 for one vehicle with the driver and then $10 for each other occupant.”
The society-driven organization’s common purpose and ambitions are to “provide premier leadership, personal growth, and career success to students to grow leaders, build communities, and strengthen agriculture,” says Teagan Flaherty, junior. This event will assist the FFA in accomplishing their goal by enabling the expansion of the program.
Despite minor changes from previous years such as newly enforced protective measures, there will be numerous continuities in the way the pledge drive works. Flaherty explains this further by stating “we have used a promo code for Legends of the Fog in past years, the only difference this year is that safety precautions will take place.”
Health safety, especially during this unprecedented time, has been at the forefront of many peoples’ minds, says The London Sport. Thomas elaborates on this statement by adding, “with customers in their vehicles, social distancing will be enforced. Masks are only required if you are leaving your vehicle for any reason. Legends of the Fog is asking you not to attend if you have a fever, suffer from COVID-19 symptoms, or have come into contact with someone who has tested positive.”
The FFA chapter at North Harford High School, according to Flaherty, has been “a safe environment for students to join and have fun along with giving back to the community through community service events and fundraisers.” By supporting this local group, the Future Farmers of America will be able to further assist the community.