Virtual voting: League of Women Voters offers online registration
April 22, 2021
Every April in years past, there would always be a day where the League of Women Voters would come visit the cafeteria – just to help students register to vote. Obviously, that won’t be possible this year, with COVID going on, but the League still plans to try and get students registered.
Theresa Freligh, the president of the Harford County League of Women Voters (and a member of the state board) set up an online version of the same process the League has offered in years past. “If you go to the Harford County board site [], you can register to vote from there, under the For Voters tab. It’s all secure – you’ll just need your driver’s license or permit, and the last four digits of your social security number.” The website also has information about where to vote, and upcoming elections.
A firm believer in the importance of getting young people to vote, Freligh laments over the missed opportunity this year. “It’s frustrating that we can’t get into the schools this year because we usually get around one hundred kids a year to register to vote, and to me, not being able to get inside the buildings feels like 100 fewer people that are registered to vote,” Freligh said.
She hopes that students reading this article will take it upon themselves to register on their own. “It’s so important that young people get involved in politics – we’re still fighting for the same issues from when I was young. There have been protests for marijuana legalization since the sixties, and only now some states have actually followed through.” The more young people that get involved in politics, the faster change happens – especially when the newer generations are clamoring for reform.
“The purpose of the League of Women Voters is to have educated citizens,” Freligh said. “So we go around and have voter forums and debates, we have informational evenings on issues, but we are totally non-partisan and never endorse a candidate. In all of our forums, both parties are represented equally.” The League does, however, take stances on issues that affect voters, like redistricting reform. “Congressional districts should be decided by a non-partisan commission, rather than the party that is in power,” Freligh said.
The League’s goal is best captured by their mission statement (found on their website,, “We envision a democracy where every person has the desire, the right, the knowledge, and the confidence to participate.”
Senior Erin Kramer agrees with Freligh’s sentiment. “I think the younger generation voting is really important, because we bring a lot of different views to the table that we want expressed.” They said. “And, I think electing a politician that we stand by is the best first stop toward getting our views heard.”