Stereotypes fighting with books; Secrets behind why men read less than women


 “I’ve been on a nonfiction and history kick because there’s something about hearing a good story and learning at the same time that I enjoy,” states technology teacher Timothy Pistel. 

     The book club has decided to stay virtual for the remaining bit of the school year. According to the media specialist, Robert Ott, it’s easier virtually for students to attend each book club meeting. “Going virtual has actually helped because it is easier for students & teachers to attend.” Ott also explains that, “Reading is simply vital to our development. It allows us to travel to far away worlds, root on heroes, boo villains, share ideas, exercise your brain and eyes, and become educated.” 

     Pistel believes that men are less passionate about reading but he isn’t sure why. He also said that “We are evolved to be captivated by good stories. You don’t necessarily have to like reading to be in a book club.  You can listen to an audiobook and get a different experience.”

     According to Eric Weiner of NPR, “British author Ian McEwan conducted an admittedly unscientific experiment. He and his son waded into the lunch-time crowds at a London park and began handing out free books. Within a few minutes, they had given away 30 novels. Nearly all of the takers were women, who were “eager and grateful” for the freebies while the men “frowned in suspicion, or distaste.” The inevitable conclusion, wrote McEwan in The Guardian newspaper: “When women stop reading, the novel will be dead.”

     Pistel confirms this idea with the following, “I enjoy reading, especially with my kids, but usually I fill my free time with other activities.” Pistel also mentions he is not as passionate as women generally are when it comes to reading. 

     “Among avid readers surveyed by the Associated Press, the typical woman read nine books in a year, compared with only five for men. Women read more than men in all categories except for history and biographies,” states Weiner. 

     According to The Guardian, “Damian Barr, author and founder of the Literary Salon in London, thinks that reading can still be a ‘rebellious and dangerous activity’ for women. “There are men who still find it threatening and dangerous when a woman picks up a book,” he says.”

     The Guardian also mentioned how reading is stereotypically a women domain, thus explaining why less men read compared to women. Kamil Porembiński, a Creative Commons writer, posted something on Facebook on this topic. He stated, “One friend wrote: While I can’t speak for all guys, I can remember growing up and it being seen by many as “nerdy” to read, and thus something to not do. This view was mostly held/expressed in elementary school, but I think that if someone absorbs this viewpoint at a young age, then it will likely be hard to change later in life.”