Back to the swing of things; Virtual back to school night

Grace Feldbush, Reporter

     The annual back-to-school night for North Harford high school was held from our bedrooms once again. Virtual back to school night was on September 9 from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.   

     Dave Iampieri attended back to school night and noted “there were definitely less parents at the virtual meet than in person in years past.”

     Iampieri explained that there were many positives and negatives to having it virtually. Parking issues, and saving time are just a few things he liked about it this year. “Negatives include not being able to see the classroom environment or being able to talk to a teacher privately if needed,” Iampieri said.  

     Iampieri explains he was happy to avoid leaving the house, however, his wife had different thoughts. “My wife was disappointed not being able to meet teachers face to face,” he said.  

     “We care about our kid’s success and want to show that we support the teacher and our child,” Iampieri states.  

     Science teacher Mrs. Kimberly Harris has similar thoughts on the subject as she wished to meet the parents in person as well. She explained only about three parents showed up per class.  

     Harris is not interested in doing it virtually again and says, “I wish it were about 3 weeks into school, so we know the kids a little better.”  

     Foreign language teacher Mrs. Larissa Arist also agrees with Harris, saying they should make the night later in the school year. “My young son had a melt down during back-to-school night,” Arist explained, which was a negative from doing it virtually.  

     Arist explained multiple parents did not turn on their cameras which disappointed her since she enjoys putting a face with a name.

     Mathematics teacher Mrs. Shelly Sparks explained she was glad that parents who would not normally have time to get to the school could attend easier since it was virtual. Sparks had an average of three to five parents for regular classes, and 12 to 15 for honors classes.  

     “It was a good opportunity for parents to see the dialogue for the upcoming year and to understand the expectations,” Sparks explained. She felt more parents attended this year since it was virtual and would want to do it virtual again in the future.  

     Sparks’ main concern was parents not understanding how to get to the meetings. Sparks explained at the end of the night, everything worked out for teachers and parents.  

     According to Harris, she is hoping to be back in person to meet all the parents next year. She explains back to school night gives valuable information and it is best to transfer that information in person.