Tik Tok star MMyers1031 revealed; Michael Myers masked man creates mayhem
The masked man’s tik tok at just 100k followers. mmyers1031 would hit this milestone on Oct. 9
October 21, 2021
Tik Tok user MMyers1031 recently surpassed 50 million likes, a feat four years in the making. The man behind the account prefers to stay anonymous and often uses his stage name, Michael.
MMyers1031 (MMyers for short) makes his claim to fame by driving up to other cars stopped at red lights, mostly in Baltimore city, and recording the driver’s reaction to his lifelike Michael Myers mask. He says the frightened faces and hilarious reactions have sparked large numbers on the famous platform, with some videos reaching up to 60 million views, while the average video amassing over 850k views and over 75k likes.
MMyers did not always use reactions as his source of internet fame; his account started its rise with videos of his Jeep and car shows in the Maryland area, before videos of his sidekick, Jason Voorhees, a doll, on the job as an officer in training blew up and gained traction seemingly overnight.
Regarding his Michael Myers mask, he said, “Halloween has always been my favorite movie. It’s one of those movies that I have to watch anytime it comes on TV. One of the things you don’t realize is that it’s really hard to act scared on set in the making of these films. “
Myers claims, “I’m fascinated with horror and the makings of the films. I have watched several documentaries on what goes into filming horror movies. Did you know the music can change the whole mood of a movie? Without the music, jaws wouldn’t be scary at all. The music messes with your mind and adds suspense.”
As a police sergeant as well as an army veteran, Tik Tok was not Myers’ first career choice to say the least. He claimed “TikTok sort of just fell into my lap because I had extra time since the whole world came to a screeching halt. The internet is how we connect with others. I started gaining popularity and it just grew from there.”
When asked about the personality behind the mask, he deferred the question to his girlfriend claiming that he is “not one to talk about myself. I’m quite modest. So I’m letting my [girlfriend] field this question.”
Michael’s girlfriend described him as “one of the nicest people you will ever meet.” She adds, “ He greets you with a smile, is very polite. He loves horror, but he also has a great love for all types of music and theatre. He is very well-rounded.” Additionally, she remarked that he loves his family and is a caring father of a young man that “carries on his military legacy by serving active in the Air Force.”
Myers’ girlfriend states, “he advocates for animals and spent years rescuing kittens and puppies that were neglected and abandoned in Baltimore city while on the force. He is very generous and gives back over and over again.”
The mystery Michael Myers man holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Johns Hopkins, and he says he has spent his life serving others through his military and law enforcement careers, “because he wanted to make a difference.” He claimed “Life is stressful. I like to be the reason people laugh. Even if it’s a few seconds at a time.”