Local business tackles anxiety, depression in youth; Empowering teens to help overcome mental health struggles
February 15, 2022
Feeling overwhelmed? Worried about school? Losing sleep over relationships? Our Village Wellness Center may have the help you need.
A few years ago, owner and life coach Paige Mullhausen decided to begin her empowerment journey by holding an event through Our Village Wellness Center called the ‘Girls Festival.’ She and her team of wellness professionals helped inspire girls by providing knowledge on a variety of different topics such as body image, social media, and bullying. They chose several topics with the hope of encouraging girls to stand up for themselves.
The Girls Festival sold out at 75 girls and the response was positive, Mullhausen says. “We actually helped a girl decide not to commit suicide,” she shares. The event’s feedback helped her realize that “even in this small county, there’s a lot of help that still needs to be given.”
For Mullhausen’s support group, she chooses a topic each month ranging from bullying and body image issues to understanding anxiety and depression. “Every session will include activities and guest speakers to go along with it. For example, if we’re talking about body image, I‘ll have a nutritionist join us just to go a little bit deeper,” she says.
Her content ranges among sessions, such as her girls’ group, boys’ group, and elementary group. “I like to separate the boys from the girls because I want the kids to feel as comfortable as they possibly can. Plus, in body image and mental health, there’s a huge difference between boys and girls,” she adds.
In the last few months, Mullhausen says she has taken a lot of time to prepare and gather resources to make her groups the best they can be. In the meantime, she also hosts individual sessions, both in-person and virtual.
“I’ve been trying to get the word out there to parents that there is help for their kids. It’s somewhat frustrating because the kids need the help, it’s just getting the word to them.” Her support groups are set to take place starting in the spring.
Mullhausen is a teacher and in addition, has been a high school field hockey coach for 9 years. “You really get to know the parents and the kids. I was hearing the same worry and problems from all of the girls I was coaching,” she explains. Hearing about her community’s struggle made her concerned since she felt help wasn’t accessible for them.
She wants anyone who is struggling to understand that their feelings are temporary and that the help is out there. ”They are not alone. There are many other people out there who are going through the same thing. Sometimes help doesn’t seem to be there but people like me are out there and want to help them live their best life.”
If you are interested in signing up, you can call or text Paige Mullhausen at 410-322-7604, or email her at [email protected]. She also encourages you to check out Our Village Wellness Center online at Ourvillagewellnesscenter.com.