New year, new career for educators; School says goodbye to two teachers
June 7, 2022
Next school year will look a little different in the science and agriculture departments when two of its members will be leaving to pursue another career related to their field. The plant and science teacher Ms. Erika Edwards and the physics teacher Mr. Doug Heeter will be saying goodbye to North Harford.
Heeter will be teaching at two of the different planetarium buildings for HCPS. He will be teaching astronomy to K through 12 students. Heeter states that “the chance to work at the planetarium is a real dream for me. When the opportunity came up, I knew I could not let it pass and had to apply. It is great being a Hawk and I will miss a lot about NHHS, but a position like a planetarium director is a rare one.”
Heeter appreciates his friends in the science department that he has made over the years. Mrs. Kristian Jones, the forensics and biology teacher, says, “Mr. Heeter is going to be missed, he was a great asset to the science department, but this is a fantastic opportunity for him. He loves astronomy and is very knowledgeable about the subject, so I know he is going to do a wonderful job as a planetarium director.”
Since Heeter was able to teach several subjects, he has had the opportunity to meet different students. One of those students is physics student Emily Persuhn. The junior would like the thank Mr. Heeter for “being so helpful and enthusiastic with his teaching. It helps make the class really interesting.”
Heeter would like to encourage next year’s teacher to get involved and see all that NHHS has to offer don’t be afraid to ask for help, we have an amazing group here that will be happy to help in any way they can.”
Next year Edwards will be working at Hereford High School as a teacher. She will be teaching intro to animal science, and animal science, and she will be the FFA advisor at the school, a role she also had at The Nest.. Edwards made the decision to leave because she is “taking life’s next steps in the kind of job and the [new] house. It all kind of aligned at the same time. So, it’s a bittersweet change.”
The teacher says that she is “sad to leave North Harford but is looking forward to the new opportunity and new students.” Edwards hopes that the next students are really invested in learning like the students she has now.
Khalil Butler, in the plant science program, would like to say thank you to Ms. Edwards for “being my mentor, always helping and guiding me in class.”
Mrs. Aimee Densmore, the small animal teacher, wishes Edwards “all the best at [her] next should” She adds that if Edwards needs help with any animal science, she “will always be here for you.”
After teaching at North Harford for seven years. Edwards has developed advice that has helped her throughout the years and hopefully the next teacher that might take her position. She states that “this job is very rewarding but it’s also a lot of work. You need to create a balance between both and just enjoy the hands-on time with students.”