North Harford animals take trip around show ring; Students work to lead them through future competition

Students holding winning ribbons with their steer. Members won, Jocelyn Bickler, 1st Novice showman, Reserve champion overall, Izzy Hendricks, 2nd Novice Showman, Madison Kingsley, 2nd Senior showman (from left to right).
June 9, 2022
North Harford‘s own students will be proudly representing the Hawks this summer. Down in the barn students are building bonds with the animals they cherish the most by preparing for the summer showing showdowns.
The animals at the school all have purposes, which are often seen at any town, county, or state fair in the show ring. Some students in our school show their animals in their free time, but some magnet program students will get their debut animal showing chance.
The NH agriculture program is working to show a total of 13 animals, including 10 pigs, one lamb, and two steers. Students ranging from ninth to eleventh grade, get to work with one animal each.
Agriculture teacher Mrs. Aimee Densmore discussed how she is hoping the students can learn to work with and form, “a bond with the animals.” She is, “excited for the students to learn the process of raising these animals.” Densmore said that this will not be the first year this happens at NH, as it has happened many years in the past.
This is a privilege for students enrolled in the NRAS program, according to Densmore. Students were told to fill out an application form and select an animal they were interested in showing, according to sophomore Izzy Hendricks. She was selected to show one of the school’s steers. This will be Hendricks’ first time showing. Hendricks is excited to be showing but knows she has to have full control over the animal in the ring by, “making sure their posture and stance is right.”
Freshman Harley Weisman is currently working to show a lamb. While in school she maintains her lamb every time she has barn duty, but once school is over she will have to work with it three times a week. Weisman is working on, “building a strong relationship with the lamb.” She will be debuting her skills this summer at the Harford County Farm Fair, and hopefully the Maryland State Fair.
When freshman Andrew Sharff was told he could get a spot to show a pig for the school this coming summer, he jumped on the oppurtunity. Sharff will get his first shot at showing at The Mill’s Jackpot show on June 5, 2022, according to Densmore. He had to “watch videos about showing etiquette,” and purchase the stick used for pigs in the ring.
Catch the students in action showing steers at the Cecil County Breeders Show, the pigs at The Mill’s Jackpot show and all animals at the Harford County Farm Fair this summer.