Mrs. Kristina Marzullo was newly welcomed into the Hawks Nest this year as an Assistant principal.
She left Joppatowne High School where she was their assistant principal for four years. Before becoming an administrator she states that she “was a [an English] teacher at C.Milton Wright High school for eight years.”
She then became an instructional coach where she was “at several different schools […] for four years, and then […] became a literacy coach for two years, and then became an assistant principal,” Marzullo states.
Marzullo comments that she is “actually a career changer,” and her first job was “working with the Federal Government for 12 years, [where she] did graphic and web design for them. […] It was a really high profile [job, where she] was at Capital Hill doing congressional briefings at least twice a week, because I would run the medicare.gov website” The educator added. That job “was really political and lots of high profile stuff” and she “also got to meet two presidents.”
She added that the job became “exhausting” and “English was [her] minor, and [she] always loved kids, […] [so she] went back and got [her] Masters in education and became an English teacher.”
Marzullo states that “every couple of years the central office gives assistant principals different experiences at different places, so they […] assign us where we go. […] So, we kind of go where they tell us, but they like to give us that new experience.”
Marzullo says that “the agriculture program” is the biggest difference from Joppatowne, where the school had the PTECH program, which focused more on technology. North Harford has the “Natural Resource [program] which is cool, […] and to see farm animals and kids taking care of them, […] that is a huge difference,” she comments.
“My favorite part about North Harford […] is the faculty and staff, and the kids as well. […] Everyone has been super welcoming and super nice, and I am starting to get to know some of the kids which is great. Some of the teachers I have known for a while, but some are new to me too, so all the teachers and the faculty and staff have been super […] supportive,” Marzullo states.
“I love working with the kids, […] it is my favorite. I like seeing you guys blossom into young adults and grow, and it is awesome to see you come from ninth grade all the way to being seniors, […] and that is absolutely my favorite part, just working with [students] and helping [them] through [their] high school career,” Marzullo comments.
“For me this year and next year it will look completely different, but this year the biggest impact would be that I got to know and build relationships with as many people that I can, because that is really the foundation […] of my work,” states Marzullo.
“It is to make sure that I build those relationships with [students] and teachers so that I can move you forward. Hopefully that has the biggest impact at the end of the year so that I can get to know some kids and more teachers on a personal level and help people move and grow,” says Marzullo.
Finally, Marzullo comments that she is “excited to be here, I am excited for the next couple of years and I am hoping that they leave us where we are for a while so that we can build a strong administrative team over the next few years. […] The students are great, love the teachers, and so far [everything has been] good.”