As the 2023-2024 school year starts, North Harford High School introduced some new staff members. One of the latest additions are Special Educator Mr. Alexander Lumbard. This is not the first time, The Nest has welcomed the teacher. Lumbard explains that he has “worked at NHHS previously in a different position but [still with] a strong connection to the faculty and school.”
Lumbard describes that he has “worked in [many] schools in various capacities.” Some of these schools include Aberdeen High School, Patterson Mill Middle School, Joppatowne High School, Bel Air High School, Harford Tech High School, and Magnolia Middle School.
The educator received his “bachelor degree from Nazareth College in Rochester, New York and [his] Master’s at the University of Notre Dame of Maryland.” Lumbard feels that special education was “a good position for [him] because he too [has] been in the student seat having difficulties.” As a child, the teacher “had a reading disability that [he] still work[s] through today.” It enables him with the opportunity to “relate on different levels.”
With all of Lumbard’s educational experiences, he has learned “much as a special educator.” One lesson that he learned is “that while every student is different, every student has something amazing to share.” He hopes that “as teachers, students, friends, and humans [we] create an environment and relation that allows others to share their story comfortably and openly.”
Due to this lesson learned, Lumbard’s “goal is to help all students at NHHS…and ensure that all students’ needs, both academic and emotional, are met.” The educator believes that “a compassionate, energetic, and hard-working student body is a powerful force in making a school great.” Out of all of the previous schools, “the student body here at NHHS is one of the best [he has] worked with,” states Lumbard.
While Lumbard dedicates a great amount of effort and dedication to his work, he leaves time for play. Him and his four kids “love being outside.” According to the educator, “every chance [they] get, [they] are downhill skiing and riding mountain bikes.”