The journalism staff is notorious for celebrating various events. On May 19, they and their families gathered at Eden Mill to celebrate the seniors on staff one last time.
Every year, the students who create the school newspaper, run the announcements, and support many other aspects of NH have a chance to recognize those who are graduating. There are ten seniors on journalism staff: Stella Manns, Mekenzie McCann, Emily Johnson, Noel Bailey, Mason Clark, Mackenzie Scott, Brookelyn Priebe, Kris Gray, Bella Arist, and Gabrielle Moxham.
Each senior was assigned to an underclassman, who had the duty of preparing gifts and speeches for the graduating seniors. Some gifts were useful for college, like school supplies, and others were on the more ironic side; sophomore Kendall Walter gifted eyelash serum to Priebe, referencing the first day of school, when Priebe “ripped half her eyelashes out.” Similarly, sophomore Lila Parry gave Manns toy cars to “teach her how to park,” after Manns hit Parry’s brother’s, senior Austin Parry’s, car.
The seniors themselves “loved,” the dinner, according to Priebe, who was a reporter. She shares that it was “so nice to see everyone together. [Journalism staff] really does feel like a family, and hearing what the underclassmen had to say about the seniors was the sweetest thing ever.”
She continues, “[English and journalism teacher Mrs. Jennifer Chandler] and [the underclassmen] did an amazing job [at] getting it all together for the seniors, and I can say for sure that we all appreciated it so much.”
This was Clark’s first and only year on journalism staff as a reporter after being brought on board by Chandler. Despite this, he says, “as a first year and senior year journalist, it truly made me feel accepted, regardless of how long I was [on staff], and I really appreciate that.”
Scott, who was an opinion/editorial editor, stated, “It was nice to have that final goodbye to the other seniors and underclassmen. It’s nice to see the awards given out and for the underclassmen to give their speeches that they put a lot of effort into.” The awards in question are known as “Cheesy Chinettes,” and are created by the underclassmen. For example, Moxham was awarded “most likely to be a chatterbox,” and Scott was “most likely to live in a Spirit Halloween store.”
Overall, Chandler notes, the dinner was a complete success. Parry shares that, “The dinner was a fun time for everyone to get together and show appreciation from our seniors!”