Cry of the Hawk

The student news site of North Harford High School

Cry of the Hawk

Cry of the Hawk


Should the northern Harford County area have its own 'snow zone' for inclement weather days?

  • YES (92%, 60 Votes)
  • NO (8%, 5 Votes)

Total Voters: 65

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Language honors society recognizes excellence

French, German, Spanish students inducted

     On May 9, the language department of NHHS hosted an induction to all three language honors societies: Spanish, French, and German.

       The French Honors Society were the first to welcome their new inductees. Junior Olive Callon was inducted into this Honors Society, and she shared that “the ceremony was really nice because it felt very personal, even though there were a lot of us up on stage.” Callon decided to join because she wants “to minor in French in college.” The French student’s favorite part of the ceremony was receiving her cords, she explains that she is “the only junior in my French class while the rest are seniors, so being able to get my cord with them before they graduate was really special.”  

     Afterwards, the German Honors Society inducted their new students. Junior Sarah Welzant was inducted into this Honors Society. She shares that she felt “very honored,” to be a part of the Honors Society, as she has been with Herr Blake for “the last three years,” and he has “really made me love learning German.” She explains that the ceremony “went well,” and that she thought it was “a little funny to see how there were only about four people who showed up for German’s inductees.” 

     Her favorite part was “being on stage with my friends.” The junior explained that she chose to be a part of the Honor Society because she has “loved” to learn the language over these past few years, and she’s “only had great experiences,” whilst learning. She finishes, “I’m looking forward to what is in store for next year.” 

     Lastly, the Spanish inductees were welcomed into the Honors Society. Junior Bianca Baker shared that her favorite part of the ceremony was “dressing up” and “the candle lighting.” She explains, “I think it was a very cute tradition to be a part of when we all light each other’s candles.” She shares that she has “dedicated so much time to Spanish as it is since [she’s] taking Spanish for four years. [She] figured that it was a good opportunity to continue [her] dedication, as well as being a part of an extracurricular.” 


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