Cry of the Hawk

The student news site of North Harford High School

Cry of the Hawk

Cry of the Hawk


Should the northern Harford County area have its own 'snow zone' for inclement weather days?

  • YES (92%, 60 Votes)
  • NO (8%, 5 Votes)

Total Voters: 65

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Morrison wins national award

  According to Production Center Assistant Mrs. Sheena Morrison, she has been working in the food industry for 27 years. This spring, Morrison was nominated as Food Service Employee of the Year. 

     Morrison said she “started at county, state, regional, and then national [level],” and she won all four. Finding out that she was nominated was a “surprise.”  She adds that she “wasn’t told, and I was shocked and I was surprised. I received certificates [and] flowers – lots of flowers.” As a result of this recognition, Morrison will have the opportunity to attend  a convention.  The event is held in Boston, beginning on July 15.  The food service employee said, “this is also where I will get my award for being Employee of the Year.”

       Morrison has been working in the food industry for so long, and she said she has “many experiences and many memories” with the people around her and her coworkers. One of her favorite parts of interacting with the students is “seeing the look on their face when you put something they like out. That’s something that never fails to make my day.”

       She also has so many favorite memories that she “can’t pick one. [The staff] just have a good time. I love when students come in and cook foods from different countries, when special [education] students come in and work here with me.  I really enjoy that.”

     All her coworkers “absolutely love” her. Ms. Judy Galbreath says, “ She is just a wonderful person. She keeps a tight kitchen, but she also knows how to have fun. Honestly, I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for [Morrison].”  Ms. Vicky Smith adds “ She’s a hard worker. She’ll do the same thing she would ask any one of us to do. She’s pretty fair and honest, but she loves her job.” In addition, so many people have noticed her kind actions.  According to, even more people have experienced Morrison’s kind personality, as well as her “exceptional customer service skills, creativity, and commitment to professional development [that] have set her apart as a leader in the school nutrition field.”

   According to HCPS, Morrison has already had some ceremonies to congratulate her on this success. “The SNA honored her virtually on April 30, 2024,” they say. This award was presented because “This recognition highlights Morrison’s outstanding contributions to the school nutrition program at North Harford High School.”

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