Cry of the Hawk

The student news site of North Harford High School

Cry of the Hawk

Cry of the Hawk


Should the northern Harford County area have its own 'snow zone' for inclement weather days?

  • YES (92%, 60 Votes)
  • NO (8%, 5 Votes)

Total Voters: 65

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Students embark on summer vacations

Exploring new destinations, creating memories

     As summer approaches, students are eagerly planning their much-anticipated summer vacations. From exploring exotic locations to engaging in thrilling adventures, this summer promises to be filled with excitement and unforgettable experiences for students of all ages.

  According to many travelers, tropical spots are a popular pick for a summer getaway, with the allure of soaking up the sun and enjoying activities such as snorkeling and swimming in the warm crystal-clear waters. Sophomore Alexandra Walker is traveling to the Bahamas this summer for the first time. Walker stated, “[she has] not been to the Bahamas before.” 

     Experiencing something new can be “exciting” and open up new activities to try. Walker shares, “[her family] booked where they could swim with the dolphins and take pictures with them, and [they] are going to Princess Cays and Mesa.” She adds, “The Bahamas seems fun and different then going to Ocean City or a different beach.”

     As there are a lot of aspects of Walker’s vacation that she looks forward to; the main thing she wishes to get over is her fear. Walker says, “[she hopes] to overcome her fear of boats.” Meanwhile, the only thing freshman Lucy Carbonell hopes to gain is “to learn more about Puerto Rico, since [she doesn’t] remember that much about it,” because when she first went there, she “was pretty young, so I don’t really remember it.”

     In Puerto Rico, travelers can explore the vibrant culture and natural beauty of the Caribbean Island. From the colorful streets of Old San Juan to the lush rainforests, Puerto Rico offers a mix of history, adventure, and relaxation. Old San Juan is one of Carbonell’s favorite aspects of Puerto Rico because, “In Old San Juan, there are really pretty cities, towns, and there are castles in the mountains and we’re just gonna go around and explore and there are a lot of beaches there, and I love the beach.” She also adds, “I like it all, but I’m really excited to go to the beaches, and there are rainforests or jungles.”

     Carbonell is not going just to view the stunning settings; she is also going there to visit family. “My grandparents go to Puerto Rico a lot, and [she has] a lot of family on my dad’s side [who live there], so that’s why we[‘re] staying there.” 

    Just like Carbonell, freshman Sophie Read is traveling to England to see her family and then settling in Italy for a vacation.  From exploring the landmarks, to venturing into the countryside dotted with historic castles and villages, According to, England offers a blend of tradition and modernity that captivates visitors of all ages. Meanwhile, in Italy, students are indulging in the art, architecture, and culinary delights that the country is famous for, as well as strolling through the ancient streets of Rome, marveling at the works of various art galleries.

     Read has stated that she has “been to England, but [she has] never been to Italy.” She shares that she is traveling to England because “[she is] going to see [her] aunt and [her] aunt’s husband,” going on to add, “half of my dad’s side of the family lives in England, and [she is] going to Italy just as a vacation.”

     Taking a journey to two destinations makes Read look forward to activities she can do with her family. “[She] likes a lot of aspects of England, [she is] looking forward to going to a lot of museums, the colosseum and just seeing all the landmarks,” Read states. She also shares that she hopes to work on her speech over in Italy, as “[She is] learning a little bit of Italian right now, so [she hopes] to learn more in Italy.”

     While tropical islands and beaches are a popular pick for summer vacations, sophomore Noah Toboll’s summer trip will be in Alaska. Alaska has its rugged landscapes and abundant wildlife. According to, sightseers are going on wilderness expeditions, hiking through majestic national parks, and witnessing the awe-inspiring beauty of glaciers and fjords. The untamed wilderness of Alaska offers a unique opportunity to connect with nature.

     Toboll has been to Alaska once; on his trip this year, he will help his uncle. Toboll shares, “[he] usually [goes] work with [his] uncle, because [his uncle] owns an oil rig company in alaska,” Adding, “[He learns] a lot, especially working with [his] uncle. [His] uncle  teaches him how to do electrical work.”

     Despite helping his uncle, Toboll enjoys doing “casual things like hunting and logging.” He also enjoys the atmosphere of Alaska saying, “[he likes] the weather. [He likes] the scenery and all the environment around it. It’s nice to relax and get out in the wilderness.”

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