North Dakota resident provides no ‘treat’ for costume clad kids;
Like the Grinch who stole Christmas, a Fargo Moorhead, North Dakota, resident is out to ruin Halloween for kids. The woman, who remains anonymous, withheld candy for kids she believes are moderately obese and instead sent home a letter to their parents.
The letter advises parents that their children should not be eating a bunch of free candy, and they should be watching how much sugar the kids digested on Halloween.
She also called local radio station Y-94 to voice her opinion about the matter. She stated, “I think it’s just really irresponsible of parents to send them out looking for free candy just ’cause all the other kids are doing it.”
Halloween is a night meant for children to intake as much sugar as possible, to run around with their friends decked out in costumes, and to create memories. Does this woman really wish to ruin a child’s Halloween and possibly scar them for the rest of their life? Apparently so.
Our society has been attempting to get the skinny model off billboards and replace her/him with healthy images in children’s minds so that they can feel comfortable in their own skin and still be healthy. What these overweight children do not need is some woman who they don’t know calling them fat.
The children are most likely well aware of their weight and may already feel negatively about it. They already deal with kid bullies in schools and the haunting image of what they should look like,; now they have to be wary of an adult bully who is harassing them as well. Deeming them obese and giving them that letter can only pave the road for eating disorders or depression about their body image.
To the woman who wrote this letter, congratulations. You have successfully managed to stick your nose where it doesn’t belong. In case you were wondering, it’s not your job to parent the millions of children in the world and to ensure that they are all eating a well balanced diet . All that you have successfully managed to do is, create resentment from people who now think that you are nothing more than a callous, unkind, cowardly woman who is attacking children. You should be ashamed.
Though your intentions may have been positive, your method of delivery was way off the mark. Next time you think writing a letter might solve the crisis of obesity, why not think of some other more meaningful options .Volunteer at a school, start a club promoting healthy eating, do anything except give out letters to children on the one night it is acceptable to inhale as much sugar as possible.
And if you are a parent, I feel sorry for your kids; having a judgemental, rude, and grinch-like mother must be really challenging. Maybe you’ll rethink your decision to write a letter like this in the future if you remember you aren’t just damaging the lives of others, but also your own. Now, if you don’t mind, I am going to sit down, open my box of Nerds and eat each and every one of them.