Lengths people go to help others in need
The news is filled with images of things that make us doubt the humanity of mankind. But on a rare occasion, we are lucky enough, even if it is vicariously, to live in a moment that restores our faith in the compassion of others.
Miles Scott is a five year old boy who is battling leukemia. His battles include treatments that leave him sick and weak. But the San Francisco community where he lives refuses to let him feel anything except ‘Bat-tastic’.
An estimated 7,000 people in San Francisco banned together with the Make-a-Wish foundation in order to make a Scott’s dream of being Bat Kid come true on November 15, 2013.
In this town of San Francisco it could have been easy for everyone to feel sorry for the child and his family, and maybe even made a small donation towards the cause but they could have gone right back to being all wrapped up in themselves and whatever movie star is fresh on the screen.
But these people didn’t.
The town gathered around this boy, they shut down shops, they got an estimated $300,000 car to drive Scott around in, and acted out “crimes” so that he could fight the bad guys alongside his favorite superhero Batman. What other town and its residents do you know that would go to that extent to help a five year old?
Even President Obama cheered Scott on with Tweets like “Here he comes!”
It is really easy to complain about the little things like not having gas in your car, getting your phone taken away, or not having your favorite snack. However, when it comes right down to it some people like Scott, has much larger problems than the little ones that bother us on a day- to- day basis.
Why does it take such a monumental occurrence like leukemia in a five year-old to bring the community together? In the United States we are blessed with so much, so instead of being greedy we should share kindness, our over abundance of food, our freedom with people that need it.
Maybe this holiday season people should step back and realize how lucky and look for ways to make others Christmases amazing, or even ‘Bat-tastic’.