Course selection showdown: Time to pick right classes
I know it seems impossible to think about making decisions about next year’s schedule when you have just gotten through the first half of your current one, but you need to start thinking. Like realllllllly thinking. It is time to start making the RIGHT decisions not necessarily the ones that are easy or popular.
Yes, I know you are expecting yet another lecture on how you need to think about your future and how high school is important to the rest of your life, but this is not another lecture. Trust me. I have received enough of those lectures by pushy relatives and overly happy counselors. This is just a bit of advice to consider when you are contemplating your schedule for next year.
Never ever, I do mean never ever, take a class just because your friends are taking it. I know the idea may be appealing but in reality they will just cause a distraction and cause grades to plummet.
Take classes that interest you and you only. You are your own person, not some robot that loves everything your best friends do. Do not be afraid to be slightly different in your choices; you may just learn something new about yourself.
Do not take the classes that everyone says are easy. Easy might sound preferable until you’re so bored that getting a root canal is less painful than sitting in class.
The Professional Foods program is called professional for a reason. Yes, the smells that drift out of that classroom and into the hallway leave just about everyone drooling, however, don’t expect to do nothing but eat. The students in these classes are expected to maintain a level of maturity, students are handling food that needs to be handled properly or it could cause illness. They are also handling sharp knives, hot burners, if they do not keep that level of maturity someone could get seriously injured. Don’t be the fool splattering food all over the walls when it is all said and done.
Take something fun, something exciting, something that you may only have a slight interest in. It may spark a passion in you and even if it doesn’t, you can always switch the direction you want to take.
If you have any inkling whatsoever that you may, just may, like to teach or interact with kids in the future, get involved with TAM, the Teacher Academy of Maryland. While playing with kids and learning the best way to teach them, you also can be earning college credit.
Do you like to write, and not just essays? What about taking pictures? Or video editing? Journalism classes have it all! These courses provide an open environment where you can meet a ton of new people and let your opinion be heard! (And of course you get to have Mrs. Chandler as your teacher).
If you are looking for something that can be used directly into the real world, get involved in the business program. With six different branches of business classes, there is something for everyone. These classes are very similar to a college level course that freshman would be taking. The content holds a lot of value so it takes a lot of perseverance and requires you to push yourself.
Bottom line, yes you want to be with your friends but in the end that should not be the only factor you consider. Take courses that fit your style and make you happy. If your friends happen to be in a few of your classes, well then the scheduling gods must be smiling down on you.