This is a public service announcement concerning your well-being
April 1, 2020
I find myself to be a pretty nice person; no matter who you are, I will be more than willing to be your friend…but… there are just some people I don’t trust; and neither should you.
Now before you just go and think to yourself, “Char shut up,” just hear me out.
Can you really trust an only child? We all know they’re a little off. For example, you could be talking to them and then they mention the fact that they’re an only child and you think, “ahhh that makes sense”…I know I’m not wrong.
Oh here’s another one for you to think about; people that pour the milk before the cereal! Not gonna lie, those people scare me.
Anyone who wears fake glasses: that’s another one to worry about. Coming from a blind chick, all I can ask is why?
And I can’t forget this one, people that enjoy running and find it “fun,” I hope you know you will never be invited into my house any time soon in fear that you will kill me and steal my dog. Like I know running is good for you, is healthy and being on a team is fun- but we all know running 4 miles isn’t FUN.
While we’re on the running topic- if you run in the hallway long before the minute bell is ever planning on ringing; I need you to check yourself before everybody around you realizes you’re crazy.
Another point that shows that you shouldn’t trust some people, if someone doesn’t like chocolate: get yourself out of there, that friendship will end in burning flames. Before you freak out, I’m not saying that chocolate has to be your favorite, but I have never ever met a good person who doesn’t like chocolate even a little.
Now you’re really going to have to hear me out on this one- redheads. Sure not all redheads are angry leprechauns that will bite your ankles and will probably steal your soul…BUT there are some. And that also goes for blue, black, brown,blonde, brunette, or any other hair color. Really, you’re not safe anywhere. But just to be safe; when in doubt, SHAVE IT!
And the last point I will make before I rest my case; and this one is serious, I’m just trying to help out the readers- if you meet someone WHO DOESN’T LIKE DOGS…run away as quickly as possible because they are psychopaths.
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk and you’re welcome. Stay safe, Hawks.